
story about a cat having to get both eyes removed then getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a blind cat 'He had only recently had his eyes removed... They were both badly infected when he was found and couldn't be saved. He was extremely needy when he first got here and only wanted to sit on someone's lap and cuddle and would cry whenever they left ShelterCatPics'

Sick Rescued Cat Has To Have Both Eyes Removed, Cries Whenever He Isn't Cuddled, And Finally Gets Adopted

twitter thread about cats uplifting their humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - jon drake @DrakeGatsby ... Was having a pretty bad morning but then I went to pet my cat and she did a little hop to meet my hand halfway so it's all good now 4:42 PM - Jul 27, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 3,719 Retweets 152 Quote Tweets 78.5K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cats Being Useful Little Helpers And Uplifting Their Humans' Moods

thread about a kitten who almost died getting thrown down the stairs getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat chilling 'my wife and I saved him from kids in the neighborhood.  He was thrown down the stairs and just a few hours old. We took him and took extremely good care of him...  He is my best friend. I do believe he saved me. I love my boy chancellordemario'

Kitten Who Was Barely A Few Hours Old Got Thrown Down Stairs, Was Thankfully Rescued And Adopted By Kind Couple

viral thread about how to help cats deal with heatwaves and signs of heatstroke | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats chilling 'It’s HOT... A lot of people are worried about their pets, understandably.  So what are some things you should (or shouldn’t) do to help keep your cat cool, and what are signs of heat stroke and how should you respond adrianontherocks'

How To Help Cats Stay Cool In Hot Weather, Signs Of Heatstroke And How To Respond: Informative Viral Thread

tumblr thread about cats' reactions to closed doors | thumbnail includes two tumblr posts 'Human body - e8luhs Follow cats will see a closed door and they will be like HELLO for the love of god HELLO and then you open it and then theyre like oh okay. bye.' and 'Organism - petermorwood Follow And then, 10 seconds later: "skrit-skrit-skrit-skrit MEOW skrit-skrit MEAAAOW..." because to a cat Being On The Right Side Of A Door is some unattainable Zen ideal.'

Tumblr Thread: Cats And Their Inexplicable Yet Funny Hatred Of Closed Doors

11 reddit images | thumbnail left and right chunky white cat text " Good friend recently got a new dog who had been terrorizing their 12+ year old senior cat to the point of bad depression. Asked if I would take him in so he could be happy again. I've never had a cat but said yes to help. Turns out he's a cool dude and seems to be very happy and comfortable here"

Senior Cat Given Second Chance At Forever Home After Being Rejected By Owner's Aggressive New Dog

twitter thread about a cat use a little box the wrong way and peeing outside of it | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat inside of a litter box but peeing outside of it and one tweet 'Output device - Dave @SpotTheLoon2010 So glad I bought that expensive, self-cleaning litter box. 1:57 AM - Jul 22, 2022. Twitter for Android 2,350 Retweets 164 Quote Tweets 15.7K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Buying An Expensive Self-Cleaning Litter Box For Cat Turns Out To Be Hissterically Useless

13 reddit images, cats in heat | thumbnail image of two fluffy cats laying in heat with text "they're struggling in the heat, any advice?"

Concerned Cat Owner Turns To Reddit For Advice On How To Keep His Cats Cool In The Heat

twitter thread about a dad building a cat bed out of an old TV | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting in a handmade cat bed and one tweet 'Product - Audrey KS vote NO August 2nd * @biggestweiner My dad bought an old tv and gutted it to turn it into a cat bed ALT 10:27 PM - Jul 16, 2022 - Twitter for Android ALT ALT 47.7K Retweets 2,336 Quote Tweets 498.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Wholesome Dad Buys An Old TV And Turns It Into The Purrfect Cat Bed

thread about a pregnant cat getting adopted and giving birth | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bunch of kittens and a cat holding a bunch of kittens ' day my husband was taking out the trash and this cute Lil thing just came right up to him and was begging for pets... She followed him home and wouldn't leave our porch! She adopted us pretty quickly... SURPRISE! HERE'S SIX KITTENS mindlessmichelle'

Sweet Cat Comes Up To Human, Asks For Help, Adopts Her Chosen Human, Then Unexpectedly Gives Birth To 6 Kittens

thread about a cat getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat lying on someone's lap and a cat in a barn 'This was her when we found her last winter. Very small, skinny, friendly and social. The big male in the barn was being a butt to her and we think he scared off the mother uberki03'

Kitten Who Was Being Bothered By Adult Cat Gets Rescued, Worms Her Way Into Rescuers' Hearts And Gets Adopted

twitter thread about Larry the cat staying at Dawning Street after Boris Johnson resigns | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Larry the Cat @Number10cat Time to clarify a few things: 1. I'm not "Boris Johnson's cat" 2. Like all Prime Ministers, he's only a temporary resident of Downing Street 3. I live here permanently. When he finally goes, I stay 4. Yes, it's all very embarrassing but it will be over soon 8:55 AM - Jul 7, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 14K Retweets 724 Quote Tweets'

Larry The Cat Reassuringly Announces He Will Not Leave His Home After Boris Johnson's Departure (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about cats locking themselves in the bathroom | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats looking at the camera from behind a door and one tweet 'Font - misplaced comma or Julee Balko when I'm an author @misplacedcomma2 Our cats opened the bathroom cabinet drawer, thereby blocking the bathroom door from opening. I took this picture by sticking my phone under the door. Trying with a hanger to close the drawer so I can open the door. A dog would never do this.'

Twitter Thread: Criminal Cats Lock Humans Out Of The Bathroom And Madness Ensues

10 reddit photoshopped images cat yawning | thumbnail left cat yawning, thumbnail right cat yawning photoshopped to face of man, three men standing laughing together

Yawning Cat Image Gets Shopped To The Nines In Epic Reddit Photoshop Battle

10 tweets, student calls teacher feral cat | thumbnail  blue background tweet text "Me: So my husband -- First grader: You have a husband? Me: I do, the whole time you've known me. First grader: Oh. I always thought you were feral. Me: Er, do you mean 'single'? First grader: Whatever the word is that you use for stray cats"

Twitter Thread: First Grade Teacher Gets Mistaken For Feral Cat In Adorable Exchange With Student

tumblr thread about cats acting like humans | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - tiredragedemon Follow When I was about ten or so I was very suspicious of our cat. He was the biggest cat I'd ever seen (Maine Coon) and he was way too smart and patient to be a real cat. I'm talking would come and pet my hair when I was crying. When he had a hairball he would run into the kitchen so he could throw up on the linoleum instead of the carpet.Hunting robins was'

Tumblr Thread: Moments Of Cats Acting Suspiciously Like Humans