
viral tweets about a cat with the word no spelled out in its fur | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with the word no on its fur and one tweet 'Cat - gay pikachu @gaypikachu420 yoo thats my cat!! his name is short for nosferatu lol. heres a baby picture' and one tumblr post 'Cat - rainbrella said Hi mr j, this is my cat, his name is No. he can be very naughty, do you have any advice? N Follow straycatj I don't have any because he can sit down politely as we can see his name... excellent!'

Cat Is Born With The Word 'No' Marked Out In His Fur, And The Internet Falls In Love With Him: Viral Tweets

twitter thread about cats that are bonded pairs | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - latke @latkedelrey no but it's so cool that sometimes when you go to adopt a cat they're like "oh. well he comes with this other cat because they're best friends and have to be together" 6:57 PM - Dec 30, 2022 5.8M Views 9,847 Retweets 812 Quote Tweets 192.8K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Moments When Shelters Insists On Bonded Pairs Of Cats To Get Adopted Together

twitter thread about a woman rescuing a cat that was supposed to be euthanized | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten in someone's palm and a cat sitting on a couch and one tweet 'Cat - haley @feederofcats 6 months ago, a puny cold baby on the brink of death was placed in my hand. i promised him i'd try my best to save him and if it wasn't meant to be, i'd love him til the last moment. 6 months later, he is the absolute terror every kitten should get the chance to become 5:35'

Woman Rescues Kitten That Was Set To Be Euthanized, He Survives And Becomes An 'Absolute Terror' (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about cats getting adopted and transforming | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sad cat and a cat with its tongue peeking out and one tweet 'Cat - aubrey @aubviouslynot can you tell how much happier this kitty is to be adopted? his whole demeanor changed Fishtopher the Cat 4:53 AM - Dec 2, 2022 3,847 Retweets 338 Quote Tweets 71.1K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cats Who Completely Transformed After Finding Their Forever Homes

reddit thread about cats who taught themselves how to use a human toilet | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a toilet 'Rectangle - r/cats 2 days ago Posted by berrey7 Has anyone ever experienced a cat teaching itself to use the toilet? My cat pees in the toilet and dumps in the box. I keep the liter box super clean, and have tried multiple brands.'

Weird Yet Intelligent Cats Teaching Themselves To Use The Human Toilet (Reddit Thread)

twitter thread of reasons to own cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Keifer @DannyVegito highly recommend owning a cat because it makes dealing with every negative emotion a little bit easier. it's difficult to feel the full weight of crushing reality when a little freak is doing olympic laps around your home after taking a loud sh t 8:15 AM - Nov 20, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 3,299 Retweets 116 Quote Tweets 24.4K Likes'

Funny Reasons To Own A Cat According To Mildly Disgruntled Sarcastic Twitter Users

twitter thread about funny cat parenting moments | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - cait @punished_cait i'm telling my fiancé "the cat says you never pet him. he's so sad he's crying" and my fiancé is getting mad and yelling across the house "that is NOT true! i pet him all the time!" 3:54 AM - Nov 19, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 9,274 Retweets 697 Quote Tweets 183.7K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Parenting Moments That Only Cat Owners Would Understand

reddit thread about not declawing your cats | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - Frosty-Net9303 6d DO NOT DECLAW YOUR CATS!! Advice ● ... DON'T DECLAW. It is NOT the same as clipping the nails. The procedure removes the entire first part of the knuckle, and makes it extremely sensitive/painful for cats to walk on certain textures, especially litter. There is no benefits for the cat to declaw, only harm. DO NOT DECLAW! EDIT: It should only be done when it's needed'

PSA: Reddit Users Explain The Importance Of Not Declawing Your Cats

twitter thread about cats annoying their owners | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - monica @trash_snapp I'll be like "yeah this is my emotional support animal” and it's just a cat who actively works to make my life more difficult 7:17 PM - Nov 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 18.9K Retweets 1,876 Quote Tweets 137.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Funny Stories Of Cats Actively Working To Make Their Humans' Lives More Difficult

twitter thread of funny ugly cat photos | thumbnail includes an ugly picture of a ginger cat and one tweet 'Cat - ☆chey ☆ @guttergore i just took the fucking UGLIEST picture of my cat . wtf 7:46 AM - Nov 5, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 5,995 Retweets 623 Quote Tweets 91.9K Likes ...'

Twitter Users Proudly Show Off The Funniest And 'Ugliest' Pictures Of Their Cats That They've Ever Taken

twitter thread about the Lykoi cat | thumbnail includes a picture of the wolf cat and one tweet 'Vertebrate - Obscure Animal Of The Day @obscure_otd Today's obscure animal of the day is the lykoi cat! These creepy kitties were discovered in 2010! Their werewolf-y appearance is caused by a mutation in shorthair cats that makes them unable to create the undercoat most cats have. Their hair is a little weaker, so it can molt off 4:44 PM - Oct 29, 2022 Twitter for'

Meet The Weirdest Animal Of The Day: The Lykoi Cat, Also Known As The Wolf-Cat

twitter thread about cats being put on diets and having temper tantrums | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ellory smith @ellorysmith : My cat is on a (MEDICALLY PRESCRIBED) diet and it's making him so violently pissed off it's bringing the whole household to their knees 8:16 PM - Oct 27, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 2,427 Retweets 184 Quote Tweets 77.4K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Delinquent Cats Who Got Put On (Medically Prescribed) Diets Having Temper Tantrums

twitter thread about the Hulu TV special 'A Very Kitty Cocktail Party' | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Mx. D. E. ADerson @diannaeanderson okay lol, people, there is a ... "show"? I guess? On Hulu called A Very Kitty Cocktail Party and it's 19 minutes of kittens wandering around a "holiday party" set in sweaters and santa hats? Set to jaunty Christmas music? 4:35 AM - Oct 27, 2022 TweetDeck : 2,792 Retweets 469 Quote Tweets 41.5K Likes'

Twitter Discovers The Cutest Cat TV Special On The Internet: 'A Very Kitty Cocktail Party'

twitter thread about a cat who looks constantly sad | thumbnail includes two pictures of a very sad looking cat and one tweet 'Cat - cait @punished_cait this lady in one of my fb cat groups has a cat with the saddest face i've ever fucking seen in my life and i'm obsessed with her. every time she posts this cat i go insane. i love you sad eyed cat Sorsha caboco 5:03 PM - Oct 22, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 5,380 Retweets 349 Quote Tweets 58.2K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat With 'The Saddest Face' Goes Viral, But Don't Worry, 'She's Not Actually Sad, She Just Looks Like This'

twitter thread of cats getting blasted in the face with milk from cows throughout history | thumbnail includes one photo of a man aiming a cow's teat and milking it straight into a cat's mouth and one tweet 'Organism - Cats of Yore @CatsOfYore ALT Here is a thread of barn cats getting blasted in the face with milk. First, Robert Carlson and Captain in Illinois. 1947. 12:15 PM - Oct 17, 2022 - Twitter Web App *** 8,253 Retweets 656 Quote Tweets 68.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hissterical Historical Barn Cats Getting Blasted In The Face With Milk

twitter thread about the black-footed cat | thumbnail includes one picture of a black-footed cat stretching, one tweet 'Cat - Fascinating @fascinate The black-footed cat is the deadliest wildcat in the world. Though they only weigh 2 - 6 pounds, they take down more prey in a single night than a leopard does in 6 months. 1024 4:36 AM - Oct 12, 2022 - SocialOomph 23.9K Retweets 9,809 Quote Tweets 226.5K' and one meme of a black-footed cat 'Why they making this regular ass cat live in the ZOO'

Twitter Discovers The Tiny But Lethal Black-Footed Cat, Famously Known As 'The Regular A** Cat' From That One Meme