
story about an adopted tripod kitten getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a tripod kitten '"They bonded first over their missing front left legs. It was the sweetest thing to see her take him under her wing and start grooming him soon after meeting" - Andrea'

Abandoned Tripod Kitten Finds Forever Home With Another Tripod Cat

viral twitter thread about kids writing a letter to a man adopting a kitten from them | thumbnail includes a letter and a picture of a kitten 'meon @ariffikhram just adopted a kitten from someone in fb group AND THEIR KIDS GAVE USE THIS SO HEARTWARMING LETTER???!!!?? i'm so touched'

Family With 9 Cats Allows Man To Adopt Their 10th In Heartwarming Letter

story of a pregnant stray cat asking a person for help | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with large paws as well as a mom cat lying next to five newborn babies

Pregnant Cat Begs Woman For Help To Save Her Kittens

8 images and videos of kitten rescue | thumbnail left kitten in storm drain,  thumbnail right kitten rescued in shelter with food

Kitten Stuck In A Storm Drain Rescued By Caring Community Members

twitter thread about crows scaring a person by saying 'hello' | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Cherie Priest @cmpriest ... Went to clean/fill the bird baths and heard someone say, "Hello? HELLO?" I thought I was losing my mind - but it turns out that the crows who frequent the patio baths have spent enough time around humans that they have picked up both basic greetings and passive aggression. 6:54 PM Jun 28, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 1,170 Retweets 103 Quote Tweets 11.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Crows Learn To Say 'Hello' And Spook Twitter User

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of two ginger cats 'I didn't want a cat. My wife wanted a cat. So we compromised and got two cats. I love these little balls of orange fluff more than anything u/Delgado_Jim'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (22 Images)

story about a stray sick kitten getting adopted and transforming into a gorgeous white cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick stray cat and a fluffy white cat '"She was so pitiful to look at. Her skin was infected and wounded and she smelled very bad," - Nur Hamizah'

Wounded And Sick Stray Cat Gets Rescued And Completely Transforms

tumblr thread about an affectionate goat with pool noodles on its horns chasing and spooking a horse | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat with pool noodles on its horns and one tumblr post 'Font - It turns out that when someone puts pool noodles on a goat's horns, the goat doesn't really care. They're very light, after all, and she can't see them. You know who cares? Who cares a LOT? the HORSE. Hero took one look at Nutmeg wearing pool noodles and ran away. You know who doesn't want to be l'

Tumblr Thread: Affectionate Goat With Pool Noodles On Its Horns Chases Horse

twitter thread about a raccoon mom and her babies falling through the roof into someone's house | thumbnail includes two pictures of a raccoon inside someone's trashed room and one tweet 'Property - haley iliff @haley_iliff i came home from new york and a racoon fell through the roof above my bedroom (1/??) 4:53 PM Jun 26, 2021 Twitter for iPhone 7,624 Retweets 2,483 Quote Tweets 72.4K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Raccoon Mom And Babies Fall Through Roof And Cause Chaos

12 images of redtailed hawk revolving around story | thumbnail injured hawk standing on grass in front of body of water

Red-tailed Hawk With Injured Wing Found By Pedestrian And Taken To Vet For Treatment

man who survived being trapped inside a whale's mouth answers Reddit questions | thumbnail includes a picture of a man post-surgery giving a thumbs up 'I'm a lobster diver who recently survived being inside of a whale. AMA! Product - thewayfaringflashpac 11d Are you disappointed you didn't get shot out his blowhole like in the cartoons? 4 11.3k | Reply + bloxiefox 11d That probably would have hurt a lot more. (Speaking as Jacob, this would have been epic.) 4 13.4k Q Reply +, 2@23'

Man Who Survived Being Trapped Inside A Whale's Mouth Answers The Internet's Questions

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of two kittens in a large cat bed 'My wife talked me into getting a couple of kittens the other day. I guess they're cute or whatever u/UnKeRSel'

Catch 22: Twenty Two Pets That Found a Furrever Loving Home

15 images of world record holder jonathan the tortoise | thumbnail left old picture of jonathan with other tortoise and men black and white, thumbnail right jonathan eating a snack

Meet The Oldest Known Land Animal Alive Today: Jonathan The Tortoise

tumblr posts of small things cats do that show they care about their humans | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theybby Follow I'm screaming??? So my cat knows I get upset when he steps on my paintings (not yelling or anything I think he just sees me spend hours trying to cover up what his paws do) in my “studio" which is a crammed small storage closet with painting all over the floor drying, so like l'm in there rn and I saw him try to get to point A to point b but it was impossible f'

Small Things Cats Do That Show They Care (Tumblr Posts)

collection of animal fun facts | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman riding a cow 'Horse - WTF fun fact #8253 As a child, Hannah Simpson got angry when her parents told her she couldn't have a pony, so she started riding a cow instead. With no formal training, she taught her pet cow, Lilac, to jump, climb over fallen trees, and most importantly, not to buck her off.'

Laugh And Learn: Fun Facts About Animals

viral thread about a dog giving birth to 9 puppies | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mom dog with puppies 'Momma did it and gave birth to 9 fuzzbutts!!! tobeornottobeme'

Most Awwmazing Momma Gives Birth To 9 Puppies (Viral Threads)