
posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Welcomed this sweet fella to our home yesterday. He’s spent his entire 5months of life in a shelter so this home thing is new but he’s figuring it out u/Curious-Variety-7570'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (13 Images)

story of a stray cat coming back to a family who was nice to him and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grumpy cat sitting on someone's shoulder and a stray cat getting petted

Cat Who's Done With Outdoor Life Comes Back To Couple Who Were Kind To Him And Gets Adopted

story about a stray cat approaching a human family and asking them for help with the kittens she birthed in their yard | thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey cat with kittens

Cat Comes To The Family She Chose and Asks Them For Help With Her Newborn Kittens

Facebook comments about cats' crazy moments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Susan Wattles I had a cat who did laps around my living room, using a rocking chair as a catapult. I was leaning forward from the couch as his body came hurdling across the room, and I ended up with a black eye. No one believed my explanation. 14 Like · Reply Message 2d Edited'

Stories Of Cats' Unexpected Random Moments Of Madness

a man steals his cat back from the neighbors' house | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA stealing" my famipy cat back neighbours at 3am?'

Man Steals His Cat Back From Neighbors' House: Reddit Storytime

a story of a woman feeding her sister cat food as revenge | thumbnail includes text saying 'I fed my sister cat food. My sister, who I don't especially like, is visiting me in college for a few weeks.'

Woman Feeds Sister Cat Food As Revenge: Crazy Reddit Storytime

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with one eye 'My recently rescued kitten, Maitie. u/justaredditaccountx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

story about a kitten who was found on a wall getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a wall and a kitten wrapped up in blankets in a hospital

Kitten Found On Concrete Wall Gets Adopted And Makes A Complete Turnaround

story about a dog who got viciously attacked by three other dogs getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a happy white dog and an injured white dog

Heartwarming Rescue Of A Dog Who Was Terribly Injured After Getting Attacked By Three Dogs

a cat on Reddit saves his owners life by never taking his eyes off the wall | thumbnail includes text saying 'my cat is completely transfixed by a nondescript point on my wall, to the point of not eating or sleeping'

Cat Becomes Obsessed With 1 Wall In House And Ends Up Saving Humans' Life

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten sitting on a man's lap 'My parents raised me to hate cats. 6 months after living with a roommate and their cat, I now have a buddy to watch sunsets with. u/LargeStorm9516'

Saved By The Grace: 20 Wholesome Adoption Stories

funny stories about pets encountering wild animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and a horse smiling with their faces smooshed together and one Facebook comment 'Plant - Lucy Kusluch My dog Finn loves the Mini horses, and would play with them all the time. Well, Sammie didn't really like Finn, and is biting his face- and Finn let him! He didn't hurt him, and Finn just walked away. 48 Like Reply Hide 1w'

Funniest Encounters People's Spoiled And Silly Pets Had With Wild Animals

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black and white kitten 'My wife wanted another cat. I did not. We got one anyway, and now she's my best buddy while I work.u/Tiberius_Jim'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

story about a kitten with paralyzed hind legs learning to walk again | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger kitten with paralyzed hind legs

Kitten With Paralyzed Hind Legs Determinably Fights To Start Walking Again

a heartwarming video about a mama horse adopting a new foal as her own | thumbnail includes a photo fo the horse with the foal

Horse Mother Adopts A Foal As Her Own After Losing Baby (Video)

story about a kitten who lost her brother becoming best friends with another rescued kitten and getting adopted together | thumbnail includes two pictures of a tiny kitten playing around

Kitten Sadly Loses Her brother Then Cries Until She Finds Another Rescued Kitten To Spend Life With