
Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about an injured and paralyzed kitten getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat in a pink diaper

Rescued Feral Kitten Found Dragging His Legs Now Joyfully Scoots Around With Fellow Paralyzed Feline

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about five kittens rescues from a trash can | thumbnail includes two pictures of two of the five cats rescued.

Kittens Abandoned In Trash Can Get Rescued And Become The ‘Jackson 5’

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat surrounded by socks 'Adopted this old girl a month ago. I will never have to pick out socks ever again. I wake up to dozens of them on my head in the morning. Every. Day. u/spookynoodle_em'

Very Sweet 16 Cats That Found a Furrever Home

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about an injured kitten getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of an orange kitten being rather playful

Cat Gets Leg Chewed Off By A Mongoose, Now Has Plans To Walk Again After Amputation

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a paralyzed kitten getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a small kitten wearing a diaper and in a cat house

Paralyzed Kitten Found On A Bridge Finds A Furrever Home After Volunteers Move Mountains For The Special Needs Feline

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a paralyzed cat getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of the special needs cat getting ready to have an amputation

Rescued Special Needs Cat Preparing For Amputation To Give Him A Chance At Greater Mobility

video of two tigers getting rescued after being held captive for fifteen years and touching grass for the first time | thumbnail includes two pictures including two tigers in a cage and a tiger panting happily outside

After 15 Years Of Being Stuck In Train Car, 2 Abused Tigers Get Rescued And Touch Grass For First Time (Video)

collection of stories of cats interacting with other animals | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat cuddling with a bearded dragon 'They’re always supervised but after years of trying to keep Kevin Murphy the handsome kittaloon and our bearded dragon separated - they’ve worn us down. They always seek each other out for cuddle naps all over the house. Bobbie AF'

The Funniest And Most Wholesomest Stories Of Cats Meeting Animals From Other Species

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a kitten that was caught in a dog's mouth getting rescued and treated | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten wearing a diaper and a kitten in a bath

Kitten Clenched In Dog’s Mouth Saved By Hawaiian Heroes Bouncing Back From Severe Spinal Injury

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of three cats cuddling 'My mom adopted one stray cat. After a week, the cat brought two others. u/Pinkish_Cate'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 9, 2022)

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about Feral cat shot with pellet gun has tail removed and multiple rounds of therapy to see if he can walk again. | thumbnail includes two pictures of the cat looking happy and the cat receiving acupuncture.

Feral Colony Cat Shot By Pellet Gun Fighting Paralysis With Acupuncture, Adoration, and Amputation

story about a kitten with a crab eye getting surgery and doing better | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a half-blind kitten with only one eye in their hand and another of a kitten with a crab eye

Tiny Kitten With A Crab Eye Goes Through Surgery And Becomes The Most Majestic One-Eyed Pirate Cat

a collection of stories about cats breaking really expensive things | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Sophie destroyed my FitBit one time. I don’t have much money so being able to get a FitBit was a real accomplishment for me. Sophie is a notorious thief and one day she decided she wanted my FitBit. So she crept up onto my desk where my FitBit was charging and ripped it off the charger with such force that she broke part of it off making it completely unusable. And then she'

The Most Expensive Things Your Hooligan Cats Have Broken: Painful But Hissterical Stories

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a frightened cat given a new lease on life | thumbnail includes two pictures of the cat being pet and sitting in his kennel

Rescued ‘Fraidy Cat’ Finds Compassion Among Fellow Felines, Lets Guard Down And Shows His True Self

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats cuddling 'Timmy on the right had his tail cut in half by children, Shani left, was rescued alone with head injury, and is deaf due to it. They were adopted separately from Dubai at 6 and 7 months about two months ago. They both love fighting each other :) u/CheapSid'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 2, 2022)

imgur thread about a cat getting adopted and causing chaos | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a calico cat and a cat peeking from behind a bed 'I got Lin from a mom and pop pet store that had an indoor gated area for the kittens resulting from neighborhood feral births. She was last to go of the first two litters that year. Folks kept saying they were gonna come get her “tomorrow” but never did tapwoodcarving'

Spicy, Hyperactive, And Extremely Intelligent Cat Finally Gets Adopted And Causes Absolute Chaos