
32 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Nose', 'Font - Becky Stetson Davis Drools when she is happy',  and 'Font - Shawn Obchansky Kneeds blankets with all four paws at once. Or Kicks herself in the face to get herself excited to play. Like Reply Hide 18h 21'

What is the One Weird Thing That Only Your Cat Does? Cheezburger Users Respond with Genuinely Hissterical Comments

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a person holding a cat 'Went to the shelter to just meet some kitties, not planning on adopting until after tax season. But this big chonk had other plans for me. I was introduced to him and fell in love right away. Meet Pirelli. Whopping 18.6 lbs. His previous owner got rid of him for "allergies" but he is loved now. u/kay102006'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (April 7, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an old cat 'This beautiful boy sat in a shelter for over 6 months and was the only one that didn't get adopted at an event last weekend. He's missing an ear, just had dental surgery and has a few bald patches but my girls and I think he's perfect. Meet Smooth Dylan (shelter name!) u/mrsdhammond'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 31, 2023)

twitter thread about people adopting cats who saved their lives | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a cat tree and one tweet 'Font - milkman! @milkmanthecat A year ago today, broken as a man could ever be, I walked in to a shelter. The very last cat I met was a shy, scared little boy with his face buried deep in a corner. I was drowning; you were my life raft. Happy Gotcha Day, Milkman. I love you more than you'll ever, ever know. 2:14 PM Mar 12, 2023 179.3K'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Saved Their Human's Lives At Just The Right Time (Twitter Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten sitting on a sink 'Was leaving my friend's apartment the other night when I heard meowing coming from the trash area. I called him over and he immediately started rubbing up on me. I got him scanned for a chip yesterday and nothing was found. Named him Tommy, because Tommy the cat had many a story to tell. u/dmhead777'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 17, 2023)

24 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat - More toe pls', 'Cat', and 'Font - *GASP* “POOPIES YOU DIDN’T!” She did. In one bite. Swallowed it whole.'

Cat's Got Her...Toe? Woman Accidentally Slices Toe, And Her Feline Finds A Tasty Treat In Hilarious Cat-astrophy (With A Happy Ending!)

viral reddit thread about a person adopting a mouse that its cat caught | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat on its back and a mouse in a cage 'Snow - r/aww 2 days ago by Lindsayls Boring Six months ago my cat caught a mouse and he just...keeps living... so this is Winky. 52K 3 1.7K GIF'

Cat Caught A Blind Mouse But Didn't 'Finish The Job', So The Family Adopted The Mouse And Gave It A Pawsome New life (Viral Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat looking out of a window 'Drove 2 hours each way and took a ferry to adopt this beefcake from the animal shelter. Incredibly handsome and polite. Begins purring violently the second you make eye contact with him. Makes that “eck eck eck eck eck”sound when he sees a bird through the window. 20/10 star cat. u/Snoo_87023'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 3, 2023)

viral reddit thread about a munchkin kitten getting rescued and the dangers of cat breeding | thumbnail includes two pictures including a munchkin kitten in a cage and a kitten with its tongue out 'Rectangle - r/cats u/Illustrious_Big_8485 5d Join 1 1 This is Miles. He is part munchkin. We adopted him after finding him in a field with no mama around. I know nothing about the breed, but have been learning. He has so many health issues at only 8 months that I'm shocked people'

Person Adopts An Abandoned Part-Munchkin Kitten And Gives Him A Second Chance At Life (PSA About Cat Breeding)

viral reddit thread about a cat who got shot in the chest and has been living with a pellet in its chest for a year | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit post '3 weeks ago I started fostering this beauty. She's had a tough life, she lived on the streets for around 13 years according to the people of the neighbourhood. She was in a foster home for 8 months before coming to me, but wasn't getting along with the other cats so I took her in. I fell in love instantly with the sassy lady'

Vet Finds A Bullet Stuck In Cat's Chest, Turns Out The Cat Had Been Living With It For At Least A Year (Viral Thread With A Happy Ending)

tweets about a Turkish man rescuing a cat from the earthquakes and adopting it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a smiling man with a cat on his shoulder and a man cuddling with a cat 'A cat was saved from under the rubble in Turkey. It now refuses to leave its rescuer's side'

Handsome Man Rescues Cat From The Rubble In Turkey, The Cat Refuses To Leave Man's Side And The Story Goes Viral

18 pictures of text and cats, 2 videos of cats | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Branch - TikTok @fratkmru', 'Black-and-white - J TikTok Tratkmfu', 'Eye - J TikTok @fratkmru', and 'Font - Mr_Hashs 6d ago edited 6d ago Translation: He said "where are you my boy" "What do i do now, how do i get you out of here" "Wait wait wait I'll get you out, I'll get you out" 3.0k Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow'

Heroic Man Rescues Cat From Earthquake Debris In Turkey In Heartwarming Video (Pictures and Video)

20 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - r/cats Posted by u/skeletonclock 3 days ago S This cat was handed into my shelter for eating the family hamster. Reckon she did it?' and 'Cat'

Criminal Kitty Returned To Shelter After "Allegedly" Eating The Family Hamster: Guilty Or Not Guilty? (Reddit Thread)

reddit thread about a boyfriend asking his girlfriend to choose between him and his cat | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - r/offmychest u/Lovelyymia • 2d 1 1 1 My boyfriend asked me to pick him or my cat. r/ A couple of days ago we were all laying together, and I was petting my cat and he randomly asked if I had to choose him or my cat who I would pick. I've had my cat since I was 11. I'm now 21 and I've only been in a relationship with him for 5 months, so I obviously picked'

Boyfriend Asks His Girlfriend To Choose Between Him Or Her Cat, The Internet Reacts With Outrage (Viral Thread)

posts about cats choosing humans | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a person's lap 'I fell asleep on the couch and woke up with this cat on my lap. I have three cats, but this isn’t one of them. u/MrBragg'

Wholesome Posts Of Cats Randomly Showing Up And Choosing Their Humans For Themselves

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a very old looking cat 'This is Flowers (named by our 6 year old). We captured and later adopted him almost a year ago. His age is unknown, but he's been in a stray in our neighbourhood for at least a decade. Despite that scowl, we think he's happy now. u/menichols'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (January 27, 2023)