
posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting with a man and a cat inside of a washing machine 'I took in this kitten, she chose my dad instead. She helps him watch TV &do dishes. He also got her addicted to the ice machine lol u/Mmm_Spuds'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images)

Reddit thread about cats being affectionate towards their humans | thumbnail includes one Reddit post 'Font - amaranthinelux • 6d Whoever says cats don't care has clearly never owned a cat Discussion Two days ago I broke off my engagement due to my partner's infidelity and my girl has not left my side since I came home. My cat has absorbed more tears over the last 10 years than l'd like to admit but even so I feel like she knows that this is a serious event. I'm currently crying myself to'

Cat Comforts Woman After A Bad Divorce, Showing That Cats Really Do Care: Reddit Thread

stories and wholesome memes about cats | thumbnail includes two memes including a kitten sprawled out on a carpet 'Vertebrate - Adopted my cat six months ago from a local rescue and I don't think she had ever seen carpet before. She laid like this for about 30 minutes without moving' and a cat curled up on someone's lap 'Hand - Walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest. Came home with a deaf, toothless senior lovebug'

A Smol Collection Of Heartwarming Cat Memes And Stories Restoring Faith In Humanity

collection of mildly amusing animal pics and stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its paws on its tail 'Our cat Mia, rests her front paws on her tail to keep them off a cold surface. u/andyf7' and a crayfish in an Asian isle in a store 'There is a live crayfish defending the rice aisle in my local Asian market u/SucksToYourAssmar3'

Sufficiently Interesting And Amusing Animal Stories And Pics

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Welcomed this sweet fella to our home yesterday. He’s spent his entire 5months of life in a shelter so this home thing is new but he’s figuring it out u/Curious-Variety-7570'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (13 Images)

Facebook comments about cats' crazy moments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Susan Wattles I had a cat who did laps around my living room, using a rocking chair as a catapult. I was leaning forward from the couch as his body came hurdling across the room, and I ended up with a black eye. No one believed my explanation. 14 Like · Reply Message 2d Edited'

Stories Of Cats' Unexpected Random Moments Of Madness

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten sitting on a man's lap 'My parents raised me to hate cats. 6 months after living with a roommate and their cat, I now have a buddy to watch sunsets with. u/LargeStorm9516'

Saved By The Grace: 20 Wholesome Adoption Stories

funny stories about pets encountering wild animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and a horse smiling with their faces smooshed together and one Facebook comment 'Plant - Lucy Kusluch My dog Finn loves the Mini horses, and would play with them all the time. Well, Sammie didn't really like Finn, and is biting his face- and Finn let him! He didn't hurt him, and Finn just walked away. 48 Like Reply Hide 1w'

Funniest Encounters People's Spoiled And Silly Pets Had With Wild Animals

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black and white kitten 'My wife wanted another cat. I did not. We got one anyway, and now she's my best buddy while I work.u/Tiberius_Jim'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

16 text based images crazy pet stories | thumbnail blue background with facebook text foreground

Craziest Pet Stories: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in the White House 'The Bidens welcomed a two-year-old, gray-and-white-striped cat named Willow to the White House. u/jdmorgenstern'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

stories about people encountering wild animals | thumbnail includes one picture of a possum and one Facebook comment 'Eyelash - Tiffani Bartlett Hughes I run a wildlife rehab. I had a small possum admit himself into rehab. He showed up on the porch of my rehab building with a large bite wound to his leg. Since it's winter he will be hanging with me til spring. He's a sweet little man. 142 Like Reply Hide Send Message 4d'

The Wildest And Funniest Encounters People Had With Wild Animals

11 reddit text images, pet stories 'my roommate' | thumbnail blue background text "rabengeieradlerstein · 12 days ago My roommate is very afraid of ferns, but also fascinated by them. She sits in front of a fern, sometimes for hours, and recoils at the slightest movement it may make"

Pet Stories Humorously Altered By Referring To The Pet As 'My Roommate'

collection of wholesome tumblr posts about cats thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - galesofnovember Yesterday at the foster clinic there was a woman with a litter of tiny, tiny kittens, one of whom was a beautiful orange and white creamsicle. I told her, "I love orange boy cats, they are all so stupid." and the foster mom said to me, with tears of love in her eyes, face glowing with maternal pride, "He is only 6 days old and I can already tell that he's going to be so stupid!" Source: ga'

Nothing But Cat Goodness And Wholesomeness (Tumblr Posts)

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with different colored eyes 'This Cecil. I adopted him through the Starbucks drive thru. The customer showed me a passenger seat full of kittens and said “do you want a kitten?” And I said “absolutely I do”. I took the kitten, put him in my apron pocket, and asked to go home early. Cecil is now six. u/Ok_Flow_8679'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

viral tweets of people sharing stories of finding their cats in random weird places thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - Dr Kelly @KellyQuilt Took in a parcel for my neighbour across the road earlier. I just went to his house to tell him, he opened the door and there was one of my cats, sitting on his chair all comfy. 8:41 PM · Dec 4, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 4.6K Retweets 1K Quote Tweets 150.5K Likes'

Twitter Users Share Funny Stories Of Finding Their Cats In Weird Places