I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

squee spree

Squee Spree: Itty Bitty Bat-Eared Fox Friends!

Babies baby bat-eared fox bat-eared foxes contest Image kit kits squee spree winner - 5833170432
Via San Diego Zoo

Squee Spree: Fennec Foxes Vs. Bat-Eared Foxes!

bat-eared fox bat-eared foxes contest fennec fennec fox fennec foxes fennecs fox foxes Image poll squee spree - 5814038272

Squee Spree: Rock Shyrax

Babies baby Image pun rock hyrax rock hyraxes shy squee spree timid - 5814555136
Via Steve Harris

Squee Spree: On the Rocks

baby climbing Image namesake peeking rock hyrax rocks squee spree standing - 5808252416
Via Nevena

Squee Spree: Pride Rock

Babies baby Image mother perching pride proud rock rock hyrax rock hyraxes squee spree standing - 5803002112
Via Anjan Reijnders

Squee Spree: Two of a Kind

addition Babies baby Image math rock hyrax rock hyraxes simple squee spree two of a kind - 5798291712
Via Catsette

Squee Spree: Happy Hyrax Family

baby Image mother rock hyrax rock hyraxes squee spree winner - 5796567040
Via Howard Penn

Squee Spree: Maras Vs. Rock Hyraxes!

Babies baby contest Image mara maras poll rock hyrax rock hyraxes squee spree - 5779835648

Squee Spree: Oh Hey, I'm No Longer an Egg!

baby emu hatchling Image squee spree tiny - 5779871488
Via Mark Snelson

Squee Spree: Papa Emu's E-Crew!

Babies baby children emu emus Father Image posse squee spree - 5775170304
Via Robyn Harris

Squee Spree: Four of a Kind!

Babies baby emu emus four hand Image poker squee spree - 5770372096
Via Larry Rothfeder

Squee Spree: No Kind of Straw Man Argument Here

baby emu Image lolwut squee spree straw - 5768749568
Via Fiddlepix

Squee Spree: Curious Emu is Curious

baby camera chick closeup curious emu examining head Image lens squee spree winner - 5764106752
Via Dan Booty

Squee Spree: Emus Vs. Ostriches!

Babies baby chick chicks contest emu emus Image ostrich ostriches poll squee spree - 5747628800

Squee Spree: Upside Down and Squee All Over

baby Image sea lion squee spree Staring upside down - 5748891136
Via Ray Kent

Reader Squees: Looks Like Someone Needs a Bath...

baby bath covered dirty Hall of Fame Image need sand sea lion squee spree - 5743466240
Via Francisco Laso