
16 reddit images text | thumbnail text "He trusts you. He knows that you would never let anything happen to him while he was being vulnerable while eating. We like their dishes in the corner or near a wall to keep them out of the way, but it can make an animal feel a bit cornered."

Cat Owner Seeks Insight On Why Their Cat Always Wants To Be Watched While Eating, Gets Wholesome Responses

31 cat snapchats | thumbnail left " Couldn't find them anywhere so checked bathroom closet" thumbnail right " ollo finally good pic all them together f"

31 Wholesome Cat Snapchats In Case You Needed To Be Reminded That Felines Are Purrfection

twitter thread about the two different kinds of cat absences | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Megan Wegenke @MegWegenke I don't completely know how to explain this, but as a cat owner you quickly learn that "absence of cat (chill)" and "absence of cat (suspicious)" are two very different kinds of silence 9:19 PM. Feb 1, 2023 . 4M Views 24.9K Retweets 937 Quote Tweets 196K Likes'

Twitter Users Explain The Two Distinct Kinds Of 'Absence Of Cat': Funny And Relatable Cat Ownership Moments

video of what a cat does when its owners are sleeping at night | thumbnail includes one black and white picture of a cat sitting next to a sleeping man

Couple Decides To Film What Their Cat Does At Night, The Results Are Hissterical (Video)

twitter thread about cats who really like bread | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a pita in its mouth and a blurry cat running away and one tweet 'Font - This user has entered w... @duckbldg he took my pita and ran 4:22 AM Jan 20, 2023 1.5M Views 7,717 Retweets 218 Quote Tweets 54.8K Likes'

Cat Steals Pita Bread And Bolts, Plus Other Cats Who Are Hilariously Obsessed With Bread (Twitter Thread)

funny experiences people had with their cats at the vet's | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Pat Bushong I had a LARGE Maine Coon. She was terrified. To try to make herself invisible, she spread out as flat as she could on the exam table - covering nearly the entire top of the table ! Both me and our vet laughed. He said, "Oh Miss Penny, I don't think this is working for you..." Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 4'

Most Hisstercial 'Cats At The Vet's Office Moments Cat Owners Have Ever Had: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a bunch of text 'Font - My cat has two lap settings: 1. You attempted to lift your leg, but I am the weight of 10,000 dying suns, and I will not be disturbed. You will perish here. 2. You moved your ankle 1/10000th of an inch. I' and an angry kitten on someone's lap 'Cat - I'm fostering Tino, who was feral-trapped last week. He has strong feelings about domestication, me, and the horse I rode in on.'

23 Purrfectly Fresh And Funny Cat Memes To Start Your Caturday Off On The Right Paw

32 cat memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Barney's first car ride to his forever home' and 'Cat - Siouxsie during her 2 am zoomies'

32 Seriously Silly House Cats To Bring To Help You Smile Through Work

20 lolcat memes | thumbnail left "Cat -  lived full life. And by mean overeaten most time." thumbnail right " told too lazy even lift leg!"

Top 20 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #281

twitter thread about a cat trying to grab a cat gif off someone's computer | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat pawing at a monitor with a cat picture on it and one tweet 'Product - pickle queen @hannahfps my mom actually sat and filmed her doin this to my monitor ... HELLO?? 0:07 910.3K views 834055 12:23 AM - Jan 29, 2023 - 2.4M Views 7,580 Retweets 298 Quote Tweets 104.2K Likes SUDO a ...'

Cat Vigorously Tries To Grab Moving Cat Gif Straight From A Person's Monitor, Mom Films It (Viral Twitter Thread)

15 pictures of cats climbing trees | thumbnail right and left cats in trees

Climbing Cats Love Scaling Their Way Up Trees (15 Pics Of Agile Cats)

20 pictures of cats gazing out windows | thumbnail left and right cats staring through windows

Curious Cats Peering Through Windows Gazing At The Abundance Of The Outside World (20 Pictures)

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat surrounded by a pile of catnip 'Returned home to find that Tim had found the catnip drawer… u/thefullness'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

collection of Caturday themed cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat eating pasta 'Food - Margaret Middleton @magmidd The photojournalist's dilemma: save your girlfriend's pasta or get the shot of a lifetime?' and a woman holding a shocked cat 'Hairstyle - My prom was postponed indefinitely so I did a photoshoot with my cat instead. I didn't notice her expression until afterwards.'

Halfway To Caturday: Purrfectly Funny Cat Memes And Tweets (February 1, 2023)

collection of funny stories about cats stealing food from their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Jan Johnston My favorite kitteh robbery story (of mine) was one of my Siberian girls LOVED Tostitos Restaurant style Tortillas. I was so engrossed one Sunday watching football, and with my chips & salsa, that I didn't realize kitty was sticking her head in the chip bag (she'dstand on the back of the couch), grabbing one chip at a time, then fleeing to a "safe" distance'

Most Hilarious Things Cats Have Done To Steal Their Favorite Foods From Their Humans: ICanHas Edition

15 pictures of cats in sinks | thumbnail left and right cats in sinks

The Verdict Is In, Cats Love Sitting In Sinks- Here Are 15 Purrfect Pictures Proving Our Point