I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


During Bath Time, There is No Safe Haven

scared bathroom safety - 8430992384
Via hellkill

The Real Reason Cats Hate Baths

Cats bath scared - 8410102016
See all captions Created by jambuzz

Scaredy Croc

animals crocodile what is that scared - 8379308288
See all captions Created by Sparklegirl3

This the Only Safe Place Left

animals nope spider scared Cats - 8373570560
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A Hedz Up Wud Be Nice

scared Cats i have no idea what im doing vacuum - 8373739520
See all captions Created by violetD

You Knew It Had to Happen

Totally predictable but still funny GIF of a cat playing with a balloon which obviously pops and the cat runs away.
Via Lawebloca

Git It Off Meh! Git It Off Meh!

Cats scared spider - 8326902016
See all captions Created by chech1965

It Has A Terrifying Look In Its Eyes!

Babies scared Cats - 8322018560
See all captions Created by Chris10a

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

thunder cute scared Cats - 8292888064
See all captions

I'm Not Convinced

scared Cats - 8278951424
See all captions Created by LeahBeth

I New That Cheese Was Too Smelly...

hamsters scared funny - 8281232128
Via animalspace

Exit Stage Left, er, Left-ish

bounce Cats gifs funny scared - 8261085696

I Spy With My Little Eye...

cute scared vet Cats hiding - 8258704896
Via Dump a Day

Um...What the Heck was That?

Cats scared roof - 8252398336
Via Ned Hardy

Would He Rather Take a Bath?

shower bath scared - 8248914432
Via Dump a Day

Have the Cat Get it!

spiders scared - 8221575936
Via Bits and Pieces