I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


tweets about dogs getting expelled from doggy daycare | thumbnail includes a picture of two dogs and one tweet 'Font - Sophie Haigney @SophieHaigney ... My dad's two dogs expelled from dog daycare due to forming a "dog gang" 3:43 AM - Jul 22, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 11.7K Retweets 1,290 Quote Tweets 161.4K Likes'

Reasons Not-So-Good Doggos Got Expelled From Daycare (Tweets)

Can't be pawfect allllll the time *shrug*
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat wearing sunglasses 'Glasses - Getting in bed ready to overthink like hey there demons, it's me, ya boy' and a cat in a cop car 'Cat - When a police officer came to my house to take a report, my cat made himself at home in his squad car. Meet Officer Skittles'

On The Highway To Caturday: Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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story about cockatoos opening up trash cans by themselves | thumbnail includes a picture of a cockatoo lifting a trash can lid 'There could be multiple explanations for this activity. It can be mischief just for the sake of it, or just plain curiosity Professor Kaplan'

Beware: Cockatoos In Australia Have Officially Learned How To Open Trash Bins

They're. Taking. Over.
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Facebook comments about funny animal moments | thumbnail includes a picture of a half-blind male cat attempting to feed a black kitten 'Brown - Mariel Stgo Meet this amazing one eyed mother cat. Breastfeeds its babies. Bathes its babies. Screams like a damn opera singer when the said babies are out of its sight. What so funny about this motherhood ensemble? My damn cat is male and has no He is neither the mom or dad of this babies. Those babies are his sisters babies!!! ODD 75 Like · Reply Mess'

Funniest And Silliest Pet Moments: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Funny, silly, and soooo adorable.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theradioghost I STEPPED OUTSIDE OF THE FRONT DOOR OF MY OWN HOME ONLY TO FIND THE DEER THAT TRIED TO KICK MY ASS LAST YEAR STANDING RIGHT THERE IN MY FRONT YARD. BOLD AS BRASS. AM I NOT SAFE ANYWHERE ANYMORE theradioghost for those of you who were not here last year: this deer is the most obnoxious, unnatural red-orange color I've ever seen, only appears when it's raining, and once chased me a quarter mile through the woods. her n'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Mild Panic

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat behind a glass door 'Cat - This asshole refuses to use the cat door even when pinned open and will wait for me to open the door for him.' and a racoon eating peanut butter 'Photograph - Why is there a raccoon eating peanut butter on my bus? Jife AKAMS MEMES'

Rise And Shine With Some Fine Animal Memes

19 funny animal memes
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tumblr thread about cats' weird obsession with bread | thumbnail includes two blurry pictures of a cat stealing bread 'Font - flrstperson Follow One of my cats was rescued from outside. l'd only ever had a super polite cat who would come up and sniff food and then be like "can i have this?" So when this other cat came up I was like oh you wanna sniff the bread right? Here it is so you can sniff it.'

Tumblr Thread: Cats And Their Weird Bread Addiction

Sometimes, they're just weirdos.
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat looking at the construction of a wall 'Cat - Best apprentice l've ever had -pays attention -nice and quiet -stays off his phone' and a human looking at a tired kitten 'Felidae - people talking to me in the morning @oimaghost me processing the trauma of waking up'

19 Cat Memes For The Purpose of Pure Entertainment

Cat memes makes life better
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This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes a painting of a cat firing a rat gun 'Organism - CARL @wtfuf Medieval cat shooting a rat gun 6:29 AM Jul 20, 2021 - Twitter for Android 1,716 Retweets 77 Quote Tweets 10.5K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (July 23)

Cat twitter purrfection.
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viral imgur thread of funny pet petfinder profile names | thumbnail includes two pet finder profiles for a cat and a parrot

Awwdorably Ridiculous Petfinder Profile Names (Viral Thread)

Silly and cute.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - shikarius: Dad's gotten 1000% better talking about periods since we started using Shark Week euphemisms: "Ah, it's Shark Week?" = "Ah, you started your period?" "Harpoons on deck?" = "Do you have enough pads/ tampons/etc?" "Chum stocks are holding?" = "Do you need chocolate/ midol?" "Supplies are low cap'n" = "Yes, please." "What kind (of shark) is it?" = "How do you feel?" • "It's a Nurse Shark" = "I'm fine/not bad" • "GREAT WHIT'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Cuteness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a squirrel package 'Product - Barry Mulligan @BazzaCC I was in Marketing for 40 years & thought the perfect packaging didn't exist. 8:24 PM · 3/8/21 · Twitter Web App' and a man showing a package to a cat 'Sleeve - ruby @roobeekeane my dad who "didn't want a cat" showing Lucas every item of the weekly shop because "he wants to see what we've got"'

20 Splendid Animal Memes For Some Added Smiles

Animal meme deliciousness.
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat yelling at another cat from under a couch 'Brown - My cat yawned at the absolute perfect time.' and a cat next to a bear 'Organism - "my son is small and confusing, but I celebrate our differences"'

Scrumpdillyicious Caturday Bash: Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - jame @videojame_ outside cat: my god. is this leftover garbage? how did i get so lucky inside cat: this tuna isn't gluten free. are you serious. i'm gonna beat the shit out of you 4:18 PM · Jul 9, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 4,146 Retweets 185 Quote Tweets 49K Likes'

15 Funny Cat Tweets Filled With Purrfection

Cat Twitter is the best Twitter.
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viral twitter thread about a lost cat being found twelve hours later | thumbnail includes a picture of someone holding a 'lost cat' sign with the cat screaming right in front of it and one tweet 'Font - Josh Fruhlinger @jfruh ... this is probably an internet transgression of some sort but i'm a FB group for naughty cats called "this cat is INNOCENT of all charges" and someone just posted what may be the funniest cat pic i've ever seen'

Concerned Owner Looks For Lost Cat And Finds It In Funny Encounter

The cat was just living its life.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a bird book 'Bird - Peter A Brannen @PeterBrannen1 Less flamboyant relative of the Boom Chacalaca Plain Chachalaca Ortalis vetula To 2 ft. (60 cm) Cn t Curassow Crax rubra 3 ft. (90 cm) Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyran' and a man ironing underwater in front of a shark 'Underwater diving - funkylittlegoblin me in my dreams, fully believing im awake and that what im doing is normal, not questioning anything in the slightest'

Morning Wake Up Call: Fresh Animal Memes (July 11, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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