
list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a horse drawing 'Horse - One of the biggest fail l've ever seen. A French anatomy book trying to illustrate how horse's bones are similar to ours cheval correspondent à certains des nôtres. Regarde Des os sur le sin ci-dessous, ils sont indiqués par ta mème' and a cat on a security camera 'Cat - Max, what did you do now? 3 Max was caught on surveillance video at the library, vhere he is no longer welcome.'

Catch Them If You Can: 22 Funny Animal Memes

twitter thread about a cat beating up cats and getting jailed at home | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - naledi @naledimashishi ... My cat had been housebound for two weeks after beating up another cat in that cat's house. I let her out yesterday just to see if she was ready to be a law abiding citizen. She went straight to go beat up that cat again a she's back inside indefinitely 5:03 PM · Aug 6, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 21.3K Retweets 3,501 Quote Tweets 133.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Jailed At Home For Being A Corrupt Criminal

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat screaming at a bathtub 'Cat - "I'm extremely blessed to have my own tiny lifeguard. Except, instead of using a whistle or attempting to save me. He screams at me in terror... the entire time."' and a cat standing one someone's computer 'Output device - Kyle D Anderson @KyleDAnderson All of us working from home. 23 Spot, you are disrupting, my ability to work. 12:53 PM Mar 30, 2020 Twitter Web App'

Ain't No Day Better Than Caturday: Fresh Hissterical Cat Memes

this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leigh Cowart ... @voraciousbrain once when I was catastrophically depressed, I put my dirty dishes out in the rain (??????) and discovered the next day that all of my silverware had been stolen by an enormous raccoon who does not fear me 10:46 PM - May 11, 2021 Twitter for Android 10K Retweets 412 Quote Tweets 186.6K Likes'

Comedy Jams: 23 Funny Animal Tweets

pictures and Facebook comments of pets sitting in places they shouldn't | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog sitting in a cat tree and a cat sitting on a woman's head

Most Ridiculous Things Pets Were Caught Sitting On (With Funny Pics)

tumblr thread about corvids being serious and parrots being weird | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'New Caledonian crow, who knows specifically build tool order build another tool, never engages play. These motherfuckers are smarter than some people with right vote, and they are Extremely Serious Birds. They don't have time play, they got work do and kids raise. Font - And then there's the kea, straight-up titled "clown of the mountains", that has a specific vocalization for "playtime'

Tumblr Thread: Corvids Are Intelligent AF While Parrots Are A Heckin' Mess

collection of tumblr posts about dogs trying to help humans do things and interrupting instead | thumbnail includes one tumblr post ''Font - i-am-mildly-insane Follow My friends and I were building a snowman and one of them had brought her dog along. He wanted so desperately to help, but his method of helping was to slap the snowman, eat the sticks we were using for arms and just cause general chaos. I had to stand and keep him entertained by throwing snowballs for him to eat so

Tumblr Thread: Dogs Attempting To Help Their Humans In The Most Unhelpful Ways

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a tumblr post 'Font - mushishitposter reasons you should adopt black cats 1. they're adopted less bc of superstition 2. the fuzzy one look like soot motes 3. people think you're a witch and leave you alone 4. Every picture you take of them looks like a void with glowing eyes' and a kitten held in someone's hands 'Hand - My bank: Why would you spend $1000 on cat treats? Me: BUTTER NUT IS A MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION.'

Caturday Shenanigans Extravaganza: Hissterical Cat Memes

collection of Facebook posts of things cat owners learned about cats only after becoming cat owners | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Rectangle - Snowy Cat The Halloween cat pose (back arched, standing on tippy toes, tail fluffed) actually happens in real life and is often hilarious--mostly because it happens for the silliest and most harmless reasons in my home. e 26 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 7h - Edited'

Unexpected Things Cat Owners Learned About Cats Only After Adopting One

viral twitter thread about someone making an army of snow ducks | thumbnail includes two pictures including a snowball maker toy and a whole lot of snow ducks and one tweet 'Product - woahh mann @ashhhhhhole this is the best day of my life 8:44 PM - Jan 15, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 91.5K Retweets 8,701 Quote Tweets 953K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Woman Builds An Army Of Snow Ducks And Goes Viral

collection of Facebook posts with reasons why dogs god expelled from doggy daycare | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Kim Dietrich My dog crashed through a gate to fight another dog. She kicked his ass. The staff took him to the vet. He was fine. But when I picked him up, his face was all puffy. He learned his lesson. And the daycare reinforced all their gates. But there really is nothing like getting a call that your dog has been in a fight when you're an elementary teacher'

Reasons Not-So-Good Doggos Got Expelled From Daycare (Part Two)

tumblr thread of people arguing about whether birds are dinosaurs or reptiles | thumbnail includes two sections of a tumblr thread 'Blue - a-dinosaur-a-day Nope birds are dinosaurs though, full stop. we've already defined what a dinosaur is and it includes birds. but reptiles isn't really defined so much as thrown against a wall angrily. alexaloraetheris This entire post sums up everything we're not allowed to mention in our Vertebrata classes because the last time someone'

Tumblr Thread: Drama In The Reptile Community Is Unexpectedly Funny

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat falling behind a washing machine 'Cat - My poor cat got stuck laundry room.' and a cat looking at a rabbit all confused 'Photograph - dream ghoul @TheDreamGhoul · my rabbit claiming my cat's belongings and my cat being too scared to do anything about it: a photo series'

Laugh Away On This Hissterical Caturday: Fresh Cat Memes

stories of cats getting jealous | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Rectangle - Hunter Kintsukuroi cats do get jealous. when i brought mine over to my moms, but played with her dog, my cat would run up to the dog, hit him on the nose, then bolt out of the room. the poor dog was old and mostly blind, he had no idea what just happened. 16 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 11h'

Funny Stories Of Cats Getting Jealous And Possessive Over Their Owners

collection of funny animal moments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Bronwen Hope Bit of background first: a few years ago, I had the audacity to sneeze unexpectedly while she was sleeping next to me. Ever since, I am scolded for sneezing quite often. A few weeks ago, someone sneezed in the hallway outside our apartment. She ran over to the door to yell at them. Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 4d'

Just Another Collection Of Giggle-Worthy Animal Moments

twitter thread about crows surrounding Walmart | thumbnail includes a picture of hundreds of crows next to a Walmart and two tweets 'Sky - xolaris ... @sashasdagger WHAT THE FUCK R ALL THESE MFS DOING AT WALMART??? Walmart*' and 'Font - Arty the Goth BunBoi @SuperiorArtemis Replying to @sashasdagger Judging by the amount of them, I can safely say someone must've dropped a fry on the floor 12:04 AM - Jan 7, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 9 Retweets 1,114 Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hundreds Of Crows Surround Walmart, The Internet Reacts As Expected