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26 Relatable Cat Pawrent Posts Feline Responsible Adults Looking Reasons Cancel Plans Chill Their Cat Child This Weekend | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat with its head poking through a slice of bread and a green lightsaber next to it ‘LUKE RYEWALKER’, the other image shows a cat lying down on train tracks in place of a train and a train on train tracks ‘Different picture same energy’

26 Relatable Cat Pawrent Posts for Feline Responsible Adults Looking for Reasons to Cancel Plans and Chill with Their Cat Child This Weekend

Cats can get us out of so many obligations.
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32 cat memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of a cat reading a book including 'Cat - Me: I can't make it, I have plans My plans: VIST VASNA 101 ways to get rich without having to be around people' and one tweet including 'Font - Dave Wagner @Dbwagner104 ... i went to a cat cafe today and all the cats were existing peacefully in their cozy cat utopia except for one ridiculous orange boy who made it his mission to fling his whole body at every other cat who was receiving any attention at all'

Don't Work, Just Purruse These 32 Hissterical Memes To Distract You From Adulting

No responsibilities, only cat memes
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A YouTube video of a cat showing the audience her fort made out of blankets | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a cat peeking out of a fort made out of blankets

Kitty Cat Gives A Peak Into Her Cozy Fort That Is Used As A Getaway From The Outside World (Video)

MTV cribs looks different here
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2 minute video of a cat dad working from home while holding his cat | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a man holding his cat

Cat Dad Shows Us What It's Like Working From Home With His Cat Minnie (Video)

Are you busy working dad? Idc hold me anyways
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6 TikTok videos with Jeremy, a pet store manager | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of Jeremy sitting, Jeremy checking a customer's ID, and Jeremy triggering puggs 'Cat that manages a puppy store ID suspicious people Trigger the pugs'

Black Cat Jeremy Is A Purrfessional Operations Manager At Citipups

A true purrfessional
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Churnalism piece about mechanical pooper scooper invented by Beetl | thumbnail includes photoshopped image of a dog on a toilet and a photo of the robotic pooper scooper

In The Making: Mechanical Pooper Scooper For The Modern Day Dog Owner

pooping scooping just got a whole lot easier
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