
story about a tiny owl with fish hook in its wing getting rescued by father and son thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny owl in a bucket and a tiny owl in sitting on someone's hand

Tiny Owl Tangled In Fishing Line With Hook In Its Wing Gets Rescued

video of a puppy following people home and them taking it with them thumbnail includes a picture of a puppy placing its head on someone's palm

Abandoned Puppy Follows Humans Home And They Take It (Video)

story about a rescued swan reuniting with its mate thumbnail includes two pictures including a rescuer holding a swan and two swans reunited

Swan Waits For Her Rescued Mate To Return After Rehabilitation

story about a dog that was stranded on a lake getting adopted by her rescuer thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog on a frozen lake and a guy and a dog hugging

Dog Rescued From Frozen Lake Gets Adopted By Rescuer

story about a teacher rescuing an injured fox using cat treats thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a fox and another of a fox under a car with someone handing it cat treats

Teacher Rescues Injured Fox Using A Box Of Cat Treats

story about a man who saves cats in the Fukushima nuclear zone thumbnail includes a picture of a Japanese man lying on the floor next to a cat

Man Saves The Forgotten Cats At The Fukushima's Nuclear Zone

imgur thread about an affectionate rescue dog thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog cuddling a person 'There’s no love quite like the love of a rescue dog. by Rumpleteazer'

Affectionate Rescue Dog Madly In Love With Its Adoptive Human

viral twitter thread about a woman resurrecting a bird with her boobs thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Summer Heacock @Fizzygrrl Help Twitter plz help i found a bird dead, floating in the water bin we leave out for our raccoons and it was in there 20+ minutes the kids begged me to save it so i put wrapped it up and put it in my shirt for fast warming an hour later guys help my tits resurrected a bird 5:05 AM - Mar 12, 2021 - Twitter Web App 6,527 Retweets 4,405 Quote Tweets 36.3K Likes'

Woman Resurrects A Bird With Her Breasts (Viral Twitter Thread)

story about a seal that was rescued 4 times in 3 different countries thumbnail includes two pictures including a seal coming out of a carrier and a seal near the ocean

Adventurous Seal Rescued 4 Times In 3 Different Countries

story about an abandoned pet tiger finding a forever home thumbnail includes two pictures including on of a caged tiger and one of a free tiger

Rescued 'Pet' Tiger Finds Forever Home At Wildlife Sanctuary

Story about a cat rescued from a fire being given an oxygen mask to breathe thumbnail includes a picture of a firefighter holding an orange cat in his hands with another firefighter pressing an oxygen mask to the cat’s face

Cat Given Oxygen Mask After Being Rescued From Fire

video of a kitten with galaxy eyes getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten hugging someone's fingers and a kitten booping someone's nose

Tiny Abandoned Galaxy-Eyed Kitten Gets Rescued (Video)

tweets about rescued pets feeling happy in their new homes thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten chilling on a couch with its belly up and one tweet 'Cat - Richard Osman ... @richardosman A couple of weeks ago a friend in Paraguay was followed home by a skinny, abandoned cat, and decided to take her in. It is safe to say that the cat is now feeling very much at home. 10:08 PM - Feb 28, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 539 Retweets 70 Quote Tweets 21.1K Likes'

Heartwarming Tweets Of Rescued Pets Finally Feeling At Home

viral imgur thread about seven wolfhound puppies getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures one of seven wolfhound puppies and another of one wolfhound puppy '"Throwback to when I was taking care of 7 wolfhound cross puppers. These little guys were dumped in the bush, emaciated and scared. They all got adopted and are doing well now!" - RareWolf3'

Taking Care Of And Getting 7 Wolfhound Cross Puppies Adopted

viral imgur thread about a puppy who was left at the shelter once finding her forever home thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog including one with her belly up '"She had been adopted and returned once already, and was terrified of being in the car. I think she associated it with being taken back to the pound." - FactWino'

Puppy Scared Of Being Returned To Shelter Again Finds Forever Home (Viral Thread)

story about a bomb squad coming to disable a suspicious bag only to find it full of kittens thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of newborn kittens on a white towel and another of a cat in a carrier bag

Bomb Squad Called In To Disable Suspicious Bag, Finds It Full Of Abandoned Kittens