
video of a rescued wild baby boar being affectionate with its human dad | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby boar nuzzling a man

After Getting Rescued, Baby Boar Refuses To Leave Its Human Papa (Video)

story about a cat who was abandoned in the middle of active labor getting rescued | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and kittens and a note 'Brown - Please help US Please help us!! y homans rere trash and &usholes'

Cat In The Middle Of Active Labor Found Abandoned Outside With A Note

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten in someone's palm '4 Days old kitten, his mother abandoned him, So Im the Father now u/dead-coder'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

story about a senior stray cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a scared stray cat

Senior Cat Returns To Woman Who Was Kind To It And Decides To Be Adopted

tumblr thread about rescuing a kitten that was being attacked by raccoons | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - majoras-skull-kid Follow Not me sitting in a lawn chair with a flashlight and a hockey stick chasing away raccoons from the baby kitten underneath our deck who refuses to come out! Been trying to trap this kitten for 2 days. We were in bed and then I heard a SCREAM so now l'm on the kitten night watch. Chasing away raccoons. I've seen the same one six times now in the last 2.5'

Tumblr Thread: Rescuing A Scared And Sick Feral Kitten From Raccoons

imgur thread about rescuing a feral cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat 'I took me 1.5 hrs and a can of tuna to catch her in my jacket. She tore it to shreds then sh*t some nasty black tar all over it. I was ok with that knowing what the Russian lady wanted to do to her. Nobody wanted her and the vet wanted $120 to put her down. I took her home instead 5Toner'

Thread: Rescue Of A Terrified Feral Cat And The Difficulties Of Bonding With It

story about a cat adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten held in someone's palm and a cat cuddling a kitten

Cat Momma Adopts An Abandoned Kitten And Raises It Alongside Her Own

imgur thread about a cat choosing a human to adopt | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat and a cat sleeping on a man 'I got adopted by George. George found me in an alley at 2 am last Friday night. Crying out to me, starved and malnourished. SkullSplitter00'

Thread: Stray And Malnourished Cat Picks A Human To Adopt

video about a couple rescuing and adopting a sparrow and the bird not leaving them alone | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sparrow sitting on a woman

Couple Rescues Wild Sparrow And Now She Refuses To Leave Them (Video)

pictures of firefighters saving cats from burning buildings | thumbnail includes two pictures of firefighters rescuing cats from fires

23 Heartwarming Pictures Of Firefighters Rescuing Cats

twitter thread about a dog saving a man | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and one tweet 'Font - Kris pyParty @Chris 404_p ... Oct. 4, 2019 - I was driving downhill on a steep incline at maybe 80kph, probably pushing to 100. I was in the innermost lane of a 6 lane highway. Alab, the doggo, was sleeping on the passenger seat beside me. For context, he quite literally grew up in the car. No joke (cont..) 3:50 PM · Oct 4, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone'

Twitter Thread: Heroic Dog Saves Owner's Life

story about a rescued bobcat kitten growing up | thumbnail includes two pictures of a bobcat kitten

Dehydrated Bobcat Kitten Gets Rescued And Grows Into A Beauty

video of three feral kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes one picture of three kittens hiding under a couch part

Rescuing Three Terrified And Sick Feral Kittens (Video)

video of a disabled parrot learning to walk in boots | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot wearing tiny boots

Parrot Learns To Walk On Tiny Boots After Losing Her Feet (Video)

story about men rescuing a dog who turns out to be a wolf | thumbnail includes a picture of a wolf in a blanket

Workers Save Shivering 'Dog' Only To Be Surprised It Was No Dog At All

story about a kitten both with extra toes and limited mobility learning to run | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten with extra paws

Awwdorable Kitten With Huge Paws Runs Around For The First Time