
story about an ugly cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of an ugly grey cat

'Ugly' Rescued Cat No One Wanted Finally Finds Forever Home

discussion adoption vs rescuing dog |  thumbnail text "Should i feel guilty for buying a dog (purebred) instead of adopting one ? I bought my dog five years ago i was a teenager i love him and take care of him , guys he is literally the love of my life BUT however recently my best friend has been shaming me for buying instead of adopting and the more i think about it the more gulity i feel. Help me out guys what are your thoughts ?" " Getting dog from shelter/rescue: Good. "

Discussion: Feeling Guilty About Buying A Purebred As Opposed To Rescuing From Shelter

imgur thread about rescuing a paralyzed stray cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of an injured cat 'Paralyzed Rescue Cat D*ldoDantes'

Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of A Paralyzed And Injured Stray Cat

11 images discussion of rescue dog breeds, like a box of chocolates | thumbnail blue background "A rescue dog is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get [Fluff] My husband and I are still in college and living in an apartment, but after talking about it for months we decided we wanted a puppy. "

Instances Of Rescue Pups Labeled As Certain Breed Turning Out To Be Different Breeds Altogether

video of doberman and owner | thumbnail left dog hugging owner, thumbnail right dog laying with owner

Sweet Doberman With Difficult Beginnings Is Awwdorably Attached To Owner (Video)

story about a kitten with disability being determined to walk | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with a dysfunctional leg and a kitten booping her nose against a human's nose

Stray Kitten With A Fused Spine And Tail Is Determined To Walk And Live Happily

Pictures of dogs who are stuck in various places and cannot get out | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog stuck in a hedge and a closeup of a dog's face

Dogs Who Are Stuck And Don’t Know Why

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat looking lovingly up at its new owner 'The way my new kitten was looking at my husband on the way home u/Sageseed'

24 Newly Adopted Faces That Melted Our Hearts

12 images surrounding story of two foster kittens and dog, thumbnail dog and two cats cuddling

Dog Takes Shy Kittens Under Her Wing and Shows Them Courage

stories of people adopting senior cats | thumbnail includes a picture of three cats and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Kimberley Galloway Reid We adopted 10 year old brother cats. Willie (in front) died a year later due to kidney disease. Waylon 14, (middle)is still living his best chubby life. They joined Ripley (in the back) who will be 25 in January. Ripley has been in the family since he was a year old. 30 Like · Reply · Message · 2d · Edited'

Choosing To Adopt And Love Senior Cats: ICanHasCheezburger Stories

9 images of newly adopted cat allie | thumbnail left allie cat sleeping on human's head, thumbnail right allie with bowl of chicken and water

Alley Cat Asserts Her Dominance By Adopting Human: Hours Later She's Napping On His Couch

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a blind black cat 'This is Ronin. He was born at the shelter I work at. His fur was mostly silver because of "fever coat" and he was blind. I adopted him and this is him a year later. u/throwthesecatsaway'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

story about a feral kitten being rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten '"We socialized her by using a toothbrush to brush her and talked to her. We watched as she slowly came out of her shell" - Tram'

A Rescued Feral Kitten Slowly Learns To Love Her Humans

6 images animals painting | thumbnail left dog painting, thumbnail right painting itself, text foreground

Rescue Dogs' Pawesome Paintings Up For Auction To Support Charity

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of two kittens sprawled out on a person 'Just adopted these love bugs and now I’m never leaving the house u/TRON-ALIVE'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

ICanHasCheezburger original story about a rescued goat getting brain surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a goat no a surgery table

Wild Goat Braves Life-Saving Brain Surgery Only To Come Back Stronger