I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


story about fifteen French bulldogs who were rescued and then given a reprieve to live in the US permanently thumbnail includes two pictures including two French bulldog puppies together with one of them barking and another of a French bulldog puppy laying its head on another dog and looking up into the camera with its puppy eyes

Rescued French Bulldog Pups Get A Happy Ending And Can Remain In The US Permanently

With the help of over 100,00 people, these puppies can now stay in the US
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pictures and tweets of dogs and puppies hanging out inside bags thumbnail includes two pictures including a smiling dog sitting in a bag and another of three chill dogs hanging out in a bag together

Dogs Chilling In Bags Are Ready For An Adventure

Cute puppies and doggies being carried around
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collection of dog memes thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog reaching its paw through some hole 'Dog - when you can't reach the last pringle ehinon reign' and a dog lying in a suitcase 'Pomeranian - Friend: It's a short trip pack only what you need Me:'

Doggo Memes Are Pawsitively Fetching

In case you're having a ruff week, here's some dog memes!
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pictures of dogs and puppies doing puppy dog eyes thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog dog standing and doing puppy eyes at the camera and another of a dog sitting and doing puppy dog eyes at someone above it

Puppers Getting Away With Anything Thanks To Their Puppy Eyes

Heart-meltingly adorable dogs giving you puppy eyes
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story of a blind golden retriever dog getting a new puppy friend who helps guide him through life thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and a puppy hanging out on some grass together and another of a dog and a puppy who have their tongues out together on a tree stump

Blind Dog Gets New Puppy Friend Helping Guide Him Through Life

Adorable blind dog gets help from a puppy
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list of all the current and previous dog mayors of the united states thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog in an orange jersey hat and sunglasses standing in front of a sign and another of a smiling dog behind a campaign sign that says 'Dog - Dog - DOGS 2020 BECAUSE HUMANS SUCK'

Rebarkable Doggos Doing A Great Job As Mayors

Dogs 2020: because humans suck
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story of a cancer survivor giving a puppy to a cancer patient thumbnail includes one picture of a boy sitting on the floor with a goldendoodle puppy in his lap

Cancer Survivor's 'Wish' For A Puppy Comes True

6-year-old cancer survivor gives a puppy to another cancer patient
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story about an adorable puppy who was rescued from the rubble of the California wildfires thumbnail includes two pictures including a black dirty puppy being picked up from the rubble and another with the puppy on the ground being fed a treat

Puppy Discovered In The Rubble Of The California Wildfires

Adorable puppy rescued from the aftermath of the California wildfires
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pictures that are worth more than 1000 words thumbnail includes a picture of a seal in water with its whiskers frozen

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (22 Images)

Incredible pictures that are impossible to describe in few words
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corgi that has one eye and two noses is living happily with two other corgis thumbnail has a picture of a corgi with one eye and two noses

Cheerful Corgi Has One Eye And Two Noses

Corgi born with one eye and two noses is living happily with two other corgis
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puppy boy adopted heartwarming wholesome story rescue animals tearjerker aww adorable perfect match pair best friends dog

Perfect Pair: Boy With Cleft Lip Adopts Pup With Cleft Lip

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"If he likes you, he'll show you his leaf. You can't touch it, but you can look at it."

adorable cute dog puppy pupper holding a leaf in its mouth
Via u/downriverrowing
puppies pups aww cute adorable animals dogs pupperinos gallery pics photos baby

Humble Gallery Of Lovely Pupperinos (18 Images)

The cutest
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dogs facts interesting doggo doggos pups pup puppies animals video youtube animal dog

Explained: Twenty-One Strange Dog Behaviors (Video)

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an adorable photoshopped photo of a puppy acting as the head on a batman lego for a list on a funny photoshop battle going around reddit

Cute Pup Proudly Wearing Box Helmet Inspires Photoshop Battle

What a proud pup
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Labrador puppies swimming cute animals aww cuteness adorable mom mama puppy

Mama Labrador Teaches Puppies To Swim (Video)

So precious
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