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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of adorable black kitten "This is my little helper for work today. He ran in front of my car on the highway last night and I had to take him home"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (41 Images)

Adopt, don't shop
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adorable animals snoozing away - thumbnail includes two images of cute animals sleeping, one of a cat sleeping on a weight “Just found her sleeping like this and I can’t stop laughing.” and one of a ferret asleep while licking owner's hand "he fell asleep licking my hand"

Snooze Away With Sleepy Wholesome Animals

The Zzz's are coming in fast
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of dog in a sweater "Rescued this very good boy, Arnold!! He looks so handsome in his sweater!!"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (25 Images + 1 Vid)

Adopt, don't shop
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list of animals wearing wizard hats - thumbnail of a cat wearing a wizard hat and a frog wearing a wizard hat

Animals And Their Bewitching Wizardry Ways

Animals donning wizard hats
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of tiny orange kitten "The newest addition to my quarantine bubble, Mango"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (25 Images + 2 Vids)

Adopt, don't shop
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photographer highlight comparisons of how human and their pets tend to look alike in portraits - thumbnail of older gentleman and his cat who looks just like him

Photographer Highlights Similarities Between Pets And Their Owners

This is incredible
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trending twitter challenge "how it started vs how its going" features wholesome rescued animals - thumbnail of malnourished dog and then happy dog in a birthday hat

"How It Started vs How It's Going": Rescued Animals Edition (Tweets)

So heartwarming
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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of senior cat "Chloe is 9 years old, I adopted her today . I called and asked who had been there the longest? Now she queen of the castle"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (27 Images + 2 Vids)

Adopt, don't shop
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twitter thread of cats sleeping in tiny IKEA bed - thumbnail includes four images of a cat walking up to its new bedroom complete with two tiny beds "today we made our cats a bedroom"

Twitter User Reveals New Cat Bedroom, Others Quickly Join In (Thread)

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list of animals before and after they were adopted - thumbnail of the glow up of one beautiful cat What a transformation

Animals Before And After Adoption

Love can transform all
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men and their special bond with their pets - thumbnail of orange cat looking up at human "My cat absolutely adores my boyfriend"

Men And Their Special Bond With Pets

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all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of tiny grey kitten held up in one hand Our new family member, meet Pico de Gallo

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (17 Images + 1 Vid)

Adopt, don't shop
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weird and uncomfortable family portrait images with pets - thumbnail of man holding confused cat in terrible photoshop background and one of a man posing seductively while touching his cat

Weird And Uncomfortable 'Glamour' Portraits With Pets

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pet portrait drawings funny, lol, animals, aww, cute, charity, donate, donation, hercule, humor, hilarious, cats, dogs | badly drawn orange and white cat looking out of the window

Artist Creates 'Crappy Pet Portraits' To Raise Money For Charity

They're kind of all amazing.
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fun DIY projects, cat How to Make a cool cat carrier in the shape of art ice cream truck MEOW

DIY: How to Make An Ice Cream Truck Shaped Cat Carrier

Fun and easy DIY projects
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blind cats and blind pet appreciation - thumbnail includes two images one black blind kitten and one white and orange blind cat | My name Panther blind kitties can't see cute they are

Blind Beauties: Blind Pet Appreciation

So many beauties
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