I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


News story list goldfish memory 13 pictures | thumbnail left picture of two goldfish swimming together, thumbnail right bright orange goldfish swimming away showing beautiful orange fins

Three Second Goldfish Memory Theory: Debunked

Science Report Shows The True Extent Of Goldfish Memory
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list of 12 before and after animal adoption pictures | thumbnail right two dogs before and after adoption written "two photos taken an hour apart, before and after adoption", thumbnail left before and after adoption picture dog with blue sweater

Before And After Adoption: Ain't Nothin A Little Love Can't Cure

The Post Adoption Glow Up Revealed
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'My 13 year old baby Brendan Fraser, aka Pickles, who I adopted about two months ago after his owners left him behind in an apt when they moved. I’m *so* lucky, he’s the best boy. u/lavendercrystalmoon'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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fresh collection of pet shames | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a sign '' and a dog with a fake plant and a sign ''

Funny Pet Shames For Rascals Who Clearly Deserve It

...they've earned it
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List Instagram Spotlight of Pumpkin The Racoon | thumbnail is one picture of racoon sitting on couch next to dog, next to one picture of racoon and dog with instagram information

Insta Animal Spotlight: Pumpkin The Racoon

Silly Racoon Endears The Insta World
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a senior cat looking up at a man 'Adopted a 12 year old cat. Her look tells me she's thankful and I'm smitten u/Ragiv13'

21 Adoption Stories, Filled With Love And Gratitude

Adopt, don't shop.
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Pets Who Rocked Some Purr-fectly Painted Nails| thumbnail text - cat, ferret, painted nails

Pets Who Rocked Some Purr-fectly Painted Nails

When you're this paw-dorable you could basically rock anything
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog sleeping 'My foster dog had never been indoors before. This is her first nap, on a bed, in a home. u/mugglequeen'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (22 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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Facebook comments of people sharing their cats' adoption stories | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Packing materials - Mis Chelle I saw Dodger's photo on a local rescues page -- the orange tabby baby had to have eye surgery. I knew that would prevent him from being adopted quickly. About 6 months later I lost my one-eyed cat Peepers. After I moved into my house I got to thinking about that cat with the eye surgery and contacted the rescue. Sure enough, no one had adopted the "less than'

Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories From ICanHasCheezburger Users

All the feels <3
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pictures of animal glow ups | thumbnail includes two pictures including a soldier holding a puppy and a soldier holding a huge dog

How It Started Vs How It's Going: Heartwarming Animal Glow Ups

The best kinds of before and after photos <3
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posts of animals newly adopted this week thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat inside looking at a cat outside and another of two cats cuddling ''

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (23 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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video of a pigeon putting itself to bed thumbnail includes a picture of a seraphim pigeon walking on the floor

Cute Pigeon That Loves Bedtime Puts Itself To Bed (Video)

"He loves bedtime so much he goes in himself"
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pictures of pets sleeping in funny position from ICanHasCheezurger users thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sleeping in a funny position and a dog sleeping in a funny position

Pets Chilling In Funny Positions: ICanHasCheezburger Users Edition

Awwdorable pets being hilarious. 'Nuff said.
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posts of animals before and after adoption thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick-looking blind cat and a healthy-looking senior cat 'Update: Born in the year 2000 and adopted as a hospice case with “a few months to live” in 2018, Pauli is still going strong! Senior pets are the sweetest u/Dootz'

Before And After Adoption: Heartwarming Animal Glow Ups

The most wholesome 'before' and 'after's
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14 cute photos of shoulder pets

14 Shoulder Animals (That Aren't Just Cats)

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posts of animals newly adopted this week thumbnail includes a picture of an 'ugly' dog 'My cousin’s dog “Patty.” It’s short for “Pathetic.” (I’m not kidding.) She was the ugliest one at the shelter & that’s why they adopted her. She’s over 20 years old & such a geriatric marvel that the vet is treating her for free now. Happy dog with a happy home. u/JuJuJooie'

19 Wholesome Adoption Stories From Around The Web

Adopt, don't shop.
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