
a Cheezburger original video about whether people are cat people or dog people | thumbnail includes a photo of a woman playing guitar and singing

The Cat Person Song (Video)

tweets about people adopting pets who have been returned to shelters multiple times | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats cuddling and one tweet 'Cat - a cactus cat tree .... @melissa_kohl Replying to @michaelscat2 my boys were so traumatized by moving from shelter to shelter and being in there so long that it legitimately took over a year for one to enjoy getting petted. i was constantly making progress with him it was just so slow. i would die for my perfect bonded boys'

Pets Who Have Been Returned To Shelters Finally Finding Forever Homes (Tweets)

a thread about whether you should kick out a house guest or not if they insult your pet | thumbnail includes two tweets saying 'Would you kick someone out of your house for being rude to your dog or cat?' and ' My adult son, upon seeing my sweet Il'il Pit for the 1st time said "She's pretty ugly". That was about the last time I spoke to him'

What To Do When A Houseguest Disrespects Your Pet: Twitter Weighs In

17 photos of clingy pets

Clingy Pets Who Love Too Much (17 Photos)

12 reddit text images rehoming dog conversation | Thumbnail blue background ". She was always scared outside, at my office, at coffee places, at other apartments, even just outside on the street. Two weeks ago I came across a female acquaintance who lives outside the city, who has a dog that my dog loves and who offered to take her for a few hours to try how my dog likes it"

A Pawsitive Dog Rehoming Story, Reddit Users Discuss And Support One Another

a cute video of a baby rat and the mama rat | thumbnail includes a rescued mama rat and her hooman

Rescued Mama Rat Shocks Hooman With Surprise Baby (Video)

 photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray cat, before and after adoption

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

12 reddit text images screening pet sitters discussion | thumbnail blue background "Mysticgirl2019 · 3d I also recommend cameras in the house! It might seem creepy but believe me it's better to be safe then sorry. My sister hired a pet sitter for my parents 21 year old dog that had amazing reviews and all her friends used. This sitter did not come for 48 hours!!!!!! My poor "

A Discussion On The Importance Of Screening Pet Sitters: Reddit Thread

collection of funny animal moments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Bronwen Hope Bit of background first: a few years ago, I had the audacity to sneeze unexpectedly while she was sleeping next to me. Ever since, I am scolded for sneezing quite often. A few weeks ago, someone sneezed in the hallway outside our apartment. She ran over to the door to yell at them. Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 4d'

Just Another Collection Of Giggle-Worthy Animal Moments

an article about a man trying to win his ex back using his dog's instagram | thumbnail includes text saying 'not this man messaging me from his dog's instagram AS THE DOG'

People Are Using Their Pets To Win Their Exes Back And It's Lowkey Working

collection of Facebook comments about pets showing affection to their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Tiffany Butrum Whenever my cats are hacking up something I always stand beside them, pat their back, and comfort them. One time I was very sick with a stomach bug and every time I ran to the toilet to vomit one of my cats would run with me, sit down, and put one paw on my leg, her face full of concern. Love my girls 17 Like · Reply Hide Send Message · 2d'

Sweetest Things Pets Have Done To Show They Care About Their Humans

12 text based reddit images, stigma of rehoming dogs | thumbnail blue background "he phrase 'unforeseen circumstances' doesn't even begin to describe what many people are dealing with. And yet, there is so little empathy for people who look into re- homing their pets. 'Earn more money and get a bigger place' - yeah sure, sounds easy. 'It's not like the dog actually bit the baby, THEN you should re-home him'"

Confronting The Stigma Around Rehoming Dogs: A Discussion

Pope calls pet owners selfish, internet reacts

'Today... we see a form of selfishness': Pope Criticizes Pet-Parents and the Animal-Loving Internet Is Enraged

12 reddit text images bf pet fish debacle | thumbnail blue background "(26F) have outright banned him doing this for the simple fact i've seen this obsession before from him, it's what led to our pet mini lop rabbit Tootsie, and he doesn't clean out her hutch or litter tray at all and barely plays with her, she was his pet but has honestly ended up becoming mine as I couldn't stand to see her neglected, I know he'll end up doing the same with a fish tank and they'll not be cleaned out "

Woman Puts Her Foot Down When Irresponsible Boyfriend Requests Pet Fish And Aquarium

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a puppy and a nurse 'This man was forced to give his dog to the Humane Society due to undergoing lengthy hospital stay. This nurse found out and immediately went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily and will return him as soon as the man is released! u/Sensitive-Ad-8403'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

funny stories of pets getting stuck | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten stuck in a connect-four game 'Toy - JoAnna Koons Rescued from a back yard at 2 1/2 weeks old. Head stuck in milk crate at 3 weeks. Senie OD9 150 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 4d' and a dog in a cone stuck at a wall 'Dog - Emily Anne My collie pup had an eye infection and needed a cone. Anytime he hit a wall, he would freeze and wait for rescue. He stuck. D 142 Like Reply · Hide Send Message 4d · Edited'

Moments Of Hooligan Pets Getting Stuck (Plus Funny Pics As Proof)