
I mustache you not to laugh, these majestic pieces of facial hair are a man's (or woman's) crowning show of vigor. Some may just grow it out endlessly, others may style it, and still others create a diorama of the Battle of Gettysburg from their lip whiskers. So enjoy how far someone can take a mustache joke and check out these memes and gifs all about the stash.

awesome BAMF guy mustache Other random guy - 5688288512

Standing Tall, Standing Proud

awesome gifs Image mustache pug silly silly dog weird - 5671574784

Goggie Gif: Hoomin, U iz Weird

adorable baby happy Image milk mustache noms sloth squee spree - 5658326528

Squee Spree: Milk Mustache

caption captioned cat confused denial drug drugs high ignorance Image kitten marking me mustache question sniffing why - 5626055680

BTW, we're out of Doritos.

caption captioned Cats do not want fancy Image mustache sir - 5621285632

You are a bounder and a cad. Good day.

best of the week cat Hall of Fame I Can Has Cheezburger mustache quite - 5592412928

Yes, Indeed!

best of the week Hall of Fame Image mustache pug - 5568599808

I mustache you a question

caption captioned cat Image mascot mustache resemblance TLL where - 5587450624

Wheres my

disguise Image mustache pug - 5568904448

youz is lookin

art beard children historic lols mustache - 5229593600


awww cat cute food I Can Has Cheezburger kitten mustache - 5253443584


bacon darth vader mustache nonsense Other photoshopped wtf - 5297613824

I Have Precisely Zero Questions About This

actors fake mario mustache roflrazzi star wars - 5093885952

It's-a Me, Your-a Cousin!

Ad advertising caption captioned cat color ginger Image job love model mustache posing tabby - 5150804736

Farley loved his job

dapper Image mixed breed mustache whatbreed - 5102531328

Si Si Si

brother brothers envy Image jealous jealousy lynx lynxes mustache nomming - 5082727168
