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Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

Quickly, Before the Bal-Cat Gets You!

Lord of the Rings gandalf what breed - 7043578112
See all captions Created by fairchild

What About Elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon Tea? Dinner? Supper? She Knows About Them, Doesn't She?

literature Lord of the Rings Movie comic Cats - 7130118144
Via Sairobee

Conceptual Hobbit Hole Litter Box: An Unexpected Poop

Cats concept Lord of the Rings literature Movie litter box The Hobbit reference - 7055486976
Via Geekologie

A Lizard is Never Late. In Fact, He Arrives Precisely When he Memes To.

staff literature Lord of the Rings Movie gandalf wizard lizard reference magic - 7016608512

Nawt Eben a Tolkien Kitteh!

cat reading Lord of the Rings book funny - 7001305856
See all captions Created by jennybookseller

Fly, You Fools!

literature Lord of the Rings Movie gandalf intimidating reference you shall not pass - 7003584512
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

A Man and His Horse

Lord of the Rings horses - 6939258880
Created by Nobody-

Kitty There Are More Important Things at Stake!

nap Lord of the Rings captions Cats - 6864728064
See all captions Created by Dagwood28

Who Let the Cat Watch 'Lord of the Rings' Again?

captions Cats Image Lord of the Rings mine movies scratching posts - 6636086272
Via Sofa Puzza

Unless You Were to Somehow Walk Around the Tree

chameleon gandalf lizard Lord of the Rings tree voting-page you shall not pass - 6539663104
See all captions Created by zacablaster

Gand-sloth the Grey

gandalf Lord of the Rings sloth the fellowship of the rin voting-page - 6422097664
See all captions Created by Spadge-ums

I Wants It

food Lord of the Rings Precious raccoon smell voting-page - 6352135424
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

Very Demotivational: Lord of the Otters

captions gandalf Image Lord of the Rings otters quotes very demotivational wizards - 6359836416
Via Das Otterhaus

Why isn't the big hand moving?

breakfast clock food hungry Image Lord of the Rings nom time - 6286920960
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Lolcats: This is why we can't watch LOTR

Cats die dramatic fall gandalf Image kitten lolcats Lord of the Rings Movie reference yell - 6237294848
See all captions Created by sixonefive72


Cats fence Image Lord of the Rings movies multipanel stuck wtf - 6227682560