
A lion knows never to play poker with a leopard, they're all cheetahs. These catty kings of the Savanna are punny as anything and just chomping at the bit to flow across your screen. So before you flip on Animal Planet, check out some of the best hilarious lion jokes and memes around.

story about a bear cub, a lion and a tiger getting rescued and living their lives together | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear, a lion and a tiger nuzzling one another

A bonded bear cub, lion and tiger get rescued from a criminal's home, find shelter in one another and convince their caretakers to never separate them: '[They] remained friends for 15 years'

viral tweets about a mountain lion that looks like its posing for the camera | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mountain lion 'her as a guest judge on drag race when?????' '@USArmy How has serving impacted you?' '@mvn_dn Ask her'

'No one has mothered as hard as her': Mountain Lion Momma Serving Diva Realness Gets Photographed In The Wild And Twitter Immediately Meme-s Her

31 pictures of large felines

Fiercely Feline: A Brilliant Display of Big Cats, Lions, Tigers, and Wholesome Goodness

aww wholesome adorable heartwarming youtube cute cubs lion Video - 110321409

Lioness Mom Gently Teaches Her Tiny Brave Cubs To Climb A Tree (Video)

video of a mom lion reuniting with her cubs after losing them | thumbnail includes one picture of a lioness and a bunch of cubs in front of her

Heartwarming Reunion Between Mother Lion And Her Lost Cubs Captured On Camera (Video)

video about two lions that spent their life in captivity getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a lion walking out of a cage and two lions walking side by side

2 Lions Who Spent Their Whole Lives In The Circus Taste Freedom For The First Time In Emotional Video

video of a woman cuddling a white lion | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman hugging a white lion

Woman Cuddles With A Huge And Sleepy White Lion (Video)

11 pictures and video, lion and leopard being friendly

Big Cats Need Love Too: Majestic Lioness Shows Pure Adoration For Her Leopard Friend, Showering Her With Kisses And Love

Derpy Rescue Puma Named Messi Acts Just Like Any Other House Cat, Except He''s a 200lb Goober

Derpy Rescue Puma Named Messi Acts Just Like Any Other House Cat, Except He's a 200lb Goober

video of lions reuniting with a man and the man bringing them catnip | thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a lioness headbutting

Loving Lions Reunite With Their Favorite Human After Time Apart, He Brings Them Catnip As A Gift (Video)

twitter thread about the differences between the live action and the animated version of the lion king | thumbnail includes a screenshot of a live action lion cub and an animated shocked lion cub and one tweet 'Plant - lewis @lewisjwr I'm not joking when I say this is quite literally the worst thing I've ever seen in my life put to film. These are the same moments in the Lion King story: the moment Simba notices the stampede 3:26 PM - Aug 22, 2022'

Twitter Thread: Meme-ing The Heck Out Of The Differences Between The Animated And The Live Action 'The Lion King'

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about - spicey cat getting attention she needs to get adopted to a great home - | thumbnail includes two pictures of - cat shaved like lion walking around and cat shaved like lion sitting in a bed a looking somewhat inquisitive

'Spicy' Cat Gets A Funky Haircut To Remove Matting, Immediately Finds Relief And Starts Opening Up

original ICanHasCheezburger story about the conservation of a bunch of African lions | thumbnail includes two pictures including a lioness walking toward the camera and a lion under a handmade rainbow sign

Incredible Global Conservation Effort Marked By Housewarming Party For African Lion Trio

video of rescued lion cub | thumbnail left image of lion cub with cone, thumbnail right lion cub lying down

Fiercely Feline: Orphaned Mountain Lion ‘Rose’ Becomes Social Media Darling (Video)

video of lions playing in fresh bedding | thumbnail image two lions laying in fresh bedding, sawwood wood chips

African Lions Roll Around And Snuggle In Fresh Bedding (Video)

video of a man helping a nervous lion calm down | thumbnail includes a picture of a man laid down next to a lion

Man Comforts A Nervous Lion With The Help Of Gentle Pets And A Slipper (Video)

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