I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


big dogs adopt cuddly wholesome cat dogs adorable xl bully snuggles labor cuteness foster fail bulldog big dog kitten cute snuggly cuddles feline pregnant Cats - 36365573

Wholesome XL Bully is the Purrfect Midwife to a Pregnant Cat, Becomes the Kitten Litter's Favorite Gentle Purrtector

He protecc, they attacc
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26 pictures of kittens and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten including 'Bart', one picture of a kitten including 'Gus Gus', and one picture of a kitten including 'Tip Toe'

"Not my cat" Chooses Heartwarming Hooman To Help Her Through Labor, They Give Birth to the Derpiest and Most Awwdorable Kittens

Bert is one special baby
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imgur viral thread about an injured mom cat going through tough labor and giving birth | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a newborn kitten 'The next baby got stuck in the birth canal... I called the emergency vet and took her to the hospital.  A stuck baby is an emergency for the mama cat and other babies in her belly kittycrazy88'

Injured Pregnant Street Cat Gets Rescued, Goes Through A Difficult Labor, But Thankfully, There's A Happy Ending

It was hard, but she stayed strong <3
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story about a cat who was abandoned in the middle of active labor getting rescued | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and kittens and a note 'Brown - Please help US Please help us!! y homans rere trash and &usholes'

Cat In The Middle Of Active Labor Found Abandoned Outside With A Note

Thank goodness she was found on time.
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