I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


Jumping up and down like there is no tomorrow. Bungie your way through your day with these buoying memes and jokes that will have you leaping up for joy. Don't confine yourself to a chair all day, give yourself a break and shake it off and jump all around with these hopping memes puns and jokes.

treats food Video jumping - 65000705

Determined Dog Wants That Treat

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Tomcat With Ninja Skills

GIF of a tom cat casually approach and jump over a fence like a little ninja.
Created by Snake73

You Can Do It, Kitty

gifs Cats sleeping jumping - 8322290176

One Happy Llama

gifs critters llamas jumping - 8307870720

Cat Plays The Lava Game

GIF of a cat jumping playing that game where the floor is lava
Via Senor GIF

This Would Be a Great Alarm For Waking Up

want gifs Cats jumping - 8302906880
Created by anselmbe
cute dachshund diving excited funny hot tub jumping playing swimming Video water - 9909505

U guyz iz hot tubbin? Can i joyn u?

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Goat Thrashes Hard

critters gifs jumping goats - 8240558592
amazing Cats jumping - 62019585

This Kitty has Some Serious Hops

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Not Everything in the Bathroom Comes Naturally

FAIL gifs Cats jumping - 8217884672
Via Bing

You Tried

gifs Cats jumping - 8175772160
Via Bing
gifs list parkour jumping win - 249605

These 5 GIFs Showcase One of The Coolest Dogs of All Time

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Hiccuping Seal

gifs seals critters jumping - 8146080512
Created by anselmbe

Ai Gotz Hops!

toy play Cats jumping - 8085310720
See all captions Created by bgcmeowrrrr

Fat Cat Jumps on The Counter on Its Own Terms

GIF of a fat cat jumping high onto the counter despite physics N' stuff.

Hey Let Me Up There

gifs corgis jumping - 7992385280