
twitter thread about declawing cats and alternatives to it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lamb TTFC SOON @lambcorpsess If you declaw your cats you should not have cats at all. I've watched the procedure in person and it's so painful for them. "But it scratches ... everything!" Then you're probably failing to enrich it properly, big shocker I know. It disables them and they have to relearn to walk. 8:52 PM • Aug 5, 2024 602.3K Views 365 15.4K 33K 763 ↑'

The Truth About Declawing Cats and Healthy Alternatives That Won’t Hurt Your Fabulous Felines

viral twitter thread about genetically disabled cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a British Shorthair cat and a Wolfcat and one tweet 'torren @torrensstuff awareness thread of genetically disabled cat breeds that most people don't know are disabled (aka cat breeds to avoid buying)'

Thread Of Genetically Disabled (And Absolutely Purrfect) Cat Breeds That Most People Don't Know About To Spread Awareness

viral reddit thread about a cat that got poisoned from a flower and other flowers that are dangerous for cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy cat 'Posted by u/Specialist_Ad340 3 days ago Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats This is kind of an all in one advice/medical question/with cat pictures. Sorry this post might be rambled I'm just very frustrated and sad and scared for my babies. Lillies are EXTREMELY toxic. Just in no one told you. This needs to be made more'

'Don't buy lily flowers if you own cats': And Other Unexpected Plants That Are Dangerous To Your Kitties That Every Cat Owner Should Know About

21 pictures of text and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one picture of text including 'Font - My sweet Pattie got let out on accident and now we can't find her): Has anyone had a cat come home after escaping?'

Door Dashers: Helpful Tips For Worried Cat Paw-rents That Have Had A Flighty Feline Escape Through The Backdoor

27 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat', 'Cat', and 'Font - flowercows 2 days ago I used to have a cat that did the same!! Every time anyone in the house would take a shower she would stand outside and yell like crazy until the person was done showering. I think she thought something horrible was happening to us'

27 Silly Shower Cats And Why They Scream At You While You Willingly Get Yourself Wet (Viral Reddit Thread)

imgur thread about how to introduce your cat to other animals | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats hugging and a cat staring at a hiding cat 'Now, let’s talk more about introductions.  Not doing proper introductions between animals is probably one of the most common mistakes people make. adrianontherocks'

A Piece Of Advice To Cat Owners: How To Correctly Introduce Your Cat To Other Animals In Your Home

20 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Font - Advice for a Feline newbie?'

Wholesome Wisdom For First-Time Cat Owner Of Fresh Fur Babies (20 Helpful Comments)

22 pictures of cats and comments and one video of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - No. Single. Kittens. I get an astounding number of requests from people looking to &', 'Cat - I like to nibble Have you ever had a kitten nibble on your fingers?' and one comment including 'Font - roshkaalzir This is the most useful information I've ever got about kittens biting behavior. Even doctors failed to mention this for me . lv been suffering and my rescued kitten from vet visits, b'

Single Kitten Syndrome: The Answer We've All Been Waiting For About How To Stop Your Cat From Biting

15 pictures of cats and comments and one video of a cat | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Window - places my cat sploots on', 'Cat - random spot??¿', 'Cat - in front of the stairs LEGO TIN Kh', and two comments including 'Font - she's melting ¿?' and 'Human body - sharijoyrose 10/10 great places and phenomenal sploot'

"We Adopted A Pancake": Liquid Cat Displays The Best Places To Sploot So You Don't Have To (Pictures & Video)

19 pictures and comments about cats and one video of a cat | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat - CATS ACTUALLY PREFERS WHEN YOU USE "BABY-TALK"', 'Cat - IF YOU ARE USING "BABY-TALK" AND THEY CONTINUE TO IGNORE YOU.... IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY'RE CHOOSING TOO', 'Cat - BECAUSE..... CATS' and one comment including 'Human body - rebeccalameiro to animals using a normal voice don't pass the vibe check People who speak'

Funny Video Exposes That Cats Prefer Baby Talk And Confirms That They Can Be as Cold And Heartless As Your Mother-In-Law (Pictures & Video)

reddit thread about not declawing your cats | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - Frosty-Net9303 6d DO NOT DECLAW YOUR CATS!! Advice ● ... DON'T DECLAW. It is NOT the same as clipping the nails. The procedure removes the entire first part of the knuckle, and makes it extremely sensitive/painful for cats to walk on certain textures, especially litter. There is no benefits for the cat to declaw, only harm. DO NOT DECLAW! EDIT: It should only be done when it's needed'

PSA: Reddit Users Explain The Importance Of Not Declawing Your Cats

viral imgur thread about the importance of playing with cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats looking at the camera 'Every feline, regardless of their age, should be engaged with play and other enrichment every single day... While there are many great things you can give to your cat to play with independently, there is no replacement for interactions with you, their human adrianontherocks'

Viral Thread: The Importance Of Playing With Your Cat And Some Of The Best Ways To Do So

viral imgur thread with information about how to take care of senior cats | thumbnail includes two images of senior cats 'Feline behavior post senior cats adrianontherocks'

Everything Cat Owners Need To Know About How To Take Care Of Senior Felines: Informative Viral Thread

viral thread about how to help cats deal with heatwaves and signs of heatstroke | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats chilling 'It’s HOT... A lot of people are worried about their pets, understandably.  So what are some things you should (or shouldn’t) do to help keep your cat cool, and what are signs of heat stroke and how should you respond adrianontherocks'

How To Help Cats Stay Cool In Hot Weather, Signs Of Heatstroke And How To Respond: Informative Viral Thread

tumblr thread about why cats yell randomly | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - prokopetz I think sometimes cats don't actually know what specifically they want - they're just generally dissatisfied, so they stand there yelling "I YEARN" on the off chance that you'll be able to do something about it. #life #cats O 53,028 notes :'

Tumblr Thread: Attempting To Explain The Ridiculousness Of Cats Randomly Meow-Yelling

thread about the wolf cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cats that looks like they have wolf genes

Meet The Wolf Cat: A Cat With A Natural Genetic Mutation And Pawsome Traits

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