
collection of comments about moments that pets were caught doing funny things | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Kimberly Sneed I had an older cat a few years ago who figured out that he liked most of the attention he got after he got a wound that caused him to limp for a few days (it was relatively minor.) After those few days, I couldn't figure out why his leg didn't seem to be getting better. He would limp around with a "Oooooohhh, poor me. I'm so bad off. It'

Funny Things Pets Were Caught Doing When They Thought Their Owners Weren't Looking

funny stories of giving cats baths | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Debra Fisher I had a cat that had a thing for warm baths. We couldn't keep her out of them. The kids would start to fill the tub up, walk away, and return to find Scarlet O'Hairy standing in the bathwater with a blissful look on her face. "MOM! SCARLET'S IN MY BATH AGAIN!" I can't tell you how many times I heard that before I convinced the kids to shut the bathroom door so she couldn't get in'

When Cats Need Baths: A Small Collection Of Ridiculous Stories

Facebook comments that cat people can relate to | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Rectangle - Patti Esposito The sound of hacking wakes you from a dead sleep. 57 Like · Reply · Hide Message - 2d' and 'Font - Phoenix Rising Every figurine is velcroed to the shelves so they dont get knocked off. 133 Like · Reply Hide Message 2d Edited'

Hissterical Things Cat Owners Can Relate To: ICanHasCheezburger Users Edition

collection of stories about people being comforted by stuffed animals during doctor's appointments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment ''

Heartwarming Stories Of Doctors Using Stuffed Animals To Comfort Patients

collection of stories about cute habits that pets have | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Cat - Caitlin Williams When my Sophie wants my attention while I'm at my desk she will come to me and very gently but also insistently will tug on my sleeve with one gentle tug. And if I tell her to give me a minute she will pause and if I go back to working she will tug on my sleeve again. She is never aggressive about it. She is always very gentle in her attempts to get my attention.'

A Collection Of Awwdroable Pet Habits: ICanHas Users Edition

collection of facts about tigers | thumbnail includes a picture of a white tiger 'Bengal tiger - Tigers are the true king of the jungle. They're bigger, ICANHAS BURGER stronger, and heavier than all other cats (including lions). Plus, they really do live in the Asian jungle'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: It’s The Eye Of The Tiger

collection of facts about chipmunks | thumbnail includes two pictures of a chipmunk eating a nut 'Eastern chipmunk - ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER. Most chipmunks prefer to live in underground burrows. Their tunnel systems that can stretch 10 to 30 feet (3 to 9 meters) long'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Chipmunks And Chip Chip Hooray

funny pet habits | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a sponge in its mouth and one Facebook comment 'Product - Merissa Bookman She used to love stealing the sponges. Sometimes l'd wake up with a sponge in the bed with me D 40 Like · Reply · Message 6d'

Awwdorably Funny Pet Habits: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Facebook comments about cats showing affection to their humans after a long time waiting | thumbnail includes one Facebook post 'Font - Caitlin Williams My Willow seemed so aloof even seven years after we took her in but last year I lost my oldest cat to renal failure. Willow, finally seeing no competition began to rapidly bond with me. She let me pet her tummy and she wanted to be around me all the time. She has never been one to snuggle or cuddle but recently she has been coming to me when'

When Patience Pays Off: Feral Cats Finally Falling For Their Owners

collection of facts about koalas | thumbnail includes a picture of a koala eating a leaf 'Vertebrate - The fingerprints of a Koala are so similar to that of humans they are occasionally confused at crime scenes ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Very High Koala-ty

collection of facts about foxes | thumbnail includes a picture of a fox 'Red fox - Although foxes are related to dogs, they act more like cats. They climb trees, use their whiskers to navigate, and even stalk their prey like cats ICANHAS BORGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Fox Edition

collection of black cat facts | thumbnail includes found pictures of a black cat 'Cat - ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER. Both amateur and professional photographers find it difficult to take a good picture of a black cat. Their dark features blend together to create a furry, black blob.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Black Cats Crossing

collection of facts about Dachshunds | thumbnail includes a picture of a Dachshund jumping 'Dog - Dachshund in German means “badger hunter," they were originally bred to be hunters. Their short legs kept them close to the ground to easily track scents, and their narrow bodies allowed them to easily squeeze through small spaces ORGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Dachshund Edition

ICanHasCheezburger Facebook comments about their pets being affectionate | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat outside and a Facebook comment 'Plant - Therese Lier When i was depressed, had been deeply depressed for some months, my cat started nagging me relentlessy and i could NOT make him stop, finally i just left the apartment to get away from him. He followed and we ended up going for a long walk. The next night he did the same nagging until i took him for a walk. That became'

Most Heartwarming Things Pets Have Done For Their Humans: ICanHas Edition

collection of original ICanHasCheezburger animal facts | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear 'Plant - A family in China adopted a dog and raised it for two years before they found out it was actually an Asiatic black bear. They reportedly figured it out when they realized the dog couldn't stop growing. Turns out, this sort of mix-up happens fairly often ICANHAS CHEEZ CBURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Totally Strange and Absolutely Amoosing

original song about ginger cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman playing guitar next to a cat

A Song Dedicated To All The Purrfect Ginger Cats