i can has cheezburger

funny stories of cats annoying their humans on purpose 'Font - Barbara Crimond Let's see, he has learned how to turn on our robot vacuum, he can turn on the washing machine to hear the little ditty it plays, he LOVES to stick his whole head in your drinking glass (before he pushes it off the counter), he sleeps in the washer if the lid is left open, he destroys loaves of bread in the night, has been known to remove knives from the knife block and leave them on the living room floor. Should I'

The Most Hissterical Things That Cats Do To Purposefully Annoy Their Humans: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

ICanHasCheezburger posts about finding cats in funny places | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on top of a door and two cats sitting on shelves above a man's head

Images Of Pure Cat Chaos: Funniest Places People Have Ever Caught Their Cats Chilling

posts about cats sitting uncomfortable places | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a trash can and a cat sitting with its face right up against the wall

Most Ridiculously Uncomfortable Places Cats Have Chosen To Sit: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

reasons why people are grateful to their cats | thumbnail includes one picture of an orange cat and one Facebook comment 'Ernie has helped me every day with his unconditional love. He stayed close when I was having a hard time after my father's passing Nov 14, 2021 then again when my sister passed on June 24, 2022. It's been a very stressful year but my sweet baby will lay over my left shoulder and make biscuits when I watch TV. He sleeps by my side every night. I am so very thankful'

People Say Thank You To Their Cats In Honor Of Thanksgiving: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

original ICanHasCheezburger thanksgiving song about being thankful to your cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

Right In Time For Thanksgiving, Saying Thank You To Our Cats In The Form Of A Sweet Song (Video)

Facebook posts about cats stealing food from their humans | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Font - Kasee Jones Johnson My kitten spilled my soda yesterday. While I was cleaning his mess, he stole my turkey sandwich. It never ends. Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 86' and 'Rectangle - Alice C Thorn My cat once got hold of a bag of gingerbread bunnies I'd bought at Easter. They had smarties for eyes & he licked the colour off every one. Like Reply Hide Send Message 2d 39'

Moments Of Cats Seeing An Opportunity To Be Chaotic Evil And Taking It: Food Thieves Edition

stories about cats reacting to the cold weather | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat next to a fire 'Snuggle up and get treats Chelsey Griffin' and a cat wearing a sweater 'They hate the cold. Tiki likes to wear a sweater when it’s too cold. Orville just climbs under the covers. Jennifer Manley-Stanley'

Welcome The Cold Weather With Warm Stories Of Cats Reacting To The Chill: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

10 images of christmas sweater

ICanHasCheezburger Is Proud To Present Our New Cat & Me Christmas Sweater Just In Time For The Holidays

moments of cats being there for their humans when they need comfort | thumbnail includes one picture of a ginger cat 'I wasn’t feeling good and got in bed very early. Buster was hiding on the top of my armoire, showed his sweet face, was purring loudly. I said I’m glad someone is feeling good. He immediately jumped down, then came and laid on my chest. He was a feral cat and only likes his head petted. He never lays on me! He purred on my chest and I felt Rheanna Anderson'

Heartwarming Moments Of Cats Comforting Their Humans When They Needed Them The Most

funny stories about cats at the vet's office | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat on a bed 'She has hyperethesia so we've been to the vet a lot trying to find the right treatment. She has what they call a "red card" in her file (it means she has the potential for violence) I found out recently the note on her red card says "looks cute but will F*ck you up" ??????? that's my demon child. She barely weighs over 7lbs. Maggie Stewart'

What Is The Funniest Experience You've Had With Your Cat At The Vet's Office: ICanHas Users Answer

a collection of stories about cats being surprised by silly things | thumbnail includes two pictures including a surprised white cat with mismatched eyes 'Sophia when she saw a lady bug on the wall.... Terri Bowin' and another surprised cat 'Sneezes!? Jackson would watch a whole fireworks display.....but if i sneeze! Marie Chapman'

A Collection Of Cats Getting Mildly Spooked By The Silliest And Funniest Things: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

ICanHasCheezburger comments about the best things about owning black cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat and one Facebook comment 'My Toothless is an absolute cuddle bug! As a kitten she learned that my alarm meant I'd get up put on my work uniform and leave. So she started coming and laying on me for cuddles when the alarm went off. When she did this for a solid week I set the alarm back 19 minutes to let her think she was keeping me there extra. She then Samantha Bailey'

What Is The Best Thing About Owning A Black Cat: ICanHasCheezburger Users Halloween Special

original ICanHasCheezburger song about black cats for Halloween | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and headbutting a cat

The Black Cat Halloween Song: Giving Love To Our Beautiful Voids (Video)

funniest thing people have said to their cats | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Font - Zineb Basma Safrany "If you don't stop doing this I'll tell your mom on you and she wont give you treats - I don't want to be the snitch grandma" my mom to my cat Like Reply Hide Send Message 5d Edited 537' and 'Font - Heather Meinke My daughter was trying to clean but our cat disagreed on her methods. I heard her yell "get away from there you harbinger of chaos!!!" Like Reply Hide Send'

The Funniest Things People Have Said To Their Cats: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

stories of dumb things cats have done | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat making a silly face and a cat lying in an uncomfortable position

The Dumbest Things Cats Have Done Because Dumb Cats Deserve Love Too

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats who bite their humans to show them love | thumbnail includes an image of a woman holding a guitar and singing with a cat next to her

Love Hurts: Cats Who Bite To Show Affection To Their Humans (Video)