
video of conservationists using radar technology to track pumas | thumbnail image of puma

Conservationists Track Pumas With Radar Technology (Video)

imgur thread about a horse who was rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a malnourished and injured horse 'He is MAYBE half the size he should be... basically the same size as a newborn Dodgerthehwydog'

Thread: The Amazing Transformation Of A Malnourished Neglected Horse

5 dog videos from instagram | thumbnail left dog jumping into santas arms, thumbnail right dog sitting on human on couch

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of two women holding two dogs 'I adopted this good boy in March, and to celebrate his first birthday I arranged a playdate with his littermate! u/thelionmermaid'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#163)

video explaining impact of seaweed on cattle feed | thumbnail image of cows on farm

Scientists Say Seaweed May Save The World From The Toxicity Of Cow Farts (Video)

16 facebook comments potty training accidents | thumbnail text "hiana Elizabeth Henry The bearded dragon does not like sitting where he poops - reasonable. Dragon was sitting on the back of the chair. Needed to poop. Jumped onto the boyfriend's shoulder, pooped on him, then jumped back onto the chair. For a lizard, pretty smart, eh? D 17 Like · Reply Hide · 1w"

ICanHas Users Share Their Most Cringeworthy Pet Potty Training Experiences

video of grizzly bears wandering around wyoming streets | thumbnail group of bears with circle around them in wyoming street

Squad Of Grizzly Bears Spotted Wandering Wyoming Streets (Video)

18 sleeping puppy images | thumbnail left tweet "kay @kayjanellle i have been cackling in my bed for the past five minutes because of how this lil pup sleeps" thumbnail right image of tiny puppy sleeping comfortably on hardwood floor

Series of Sleeping Puppies Dreaming Of Treats And Endless Fetch

21 animal tweets | thumbnail "Susie Dent @susie_dent Etymology of the day is an all-time favourite: to 'lick something into shape' derives from the medieval belief that bear cubs are born as formless blobs, and must be licked into bear-shape by their mothers. 5:58 AM · Nov 23, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 1,372 Retweets 104 Quote Tweets 9,383 Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

wholesome animal memes  | thumbnail includes a meme that says 'excuse me but are you aware of Lennu, the Finish president's dog'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (November 29, 2021)

20 images reasons why people are thankful for their pets | thumbnail blue background text "Eva Roethlisberger Lepelley I'm so thankful for my cat, Bitsy. This past year l've had to deal with a divorce and depression. My cat has been there for me. She knew when I was upset. Anytime I was feeling out of whack, Bitsy was there with a cuddle and a purr. Pets are too good for us. Like Reply · Hide · Message · 2d"

ICanHas Users Share Heartwarming Reasons Why They Are Thankful For Their Pets

5 cat videos instagram | thumbnail left kfc box, thumbnail right kfc box opened to reveal tiny kitten inside box

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

12 images and videos embedded from instagram of buckley the highland cow | thumbnail left cow and goat, thumbnail right close up cow face buckley highland cow

Buckley The Insta Famous Highland Cow Steals This Week's Social Spotlight

an adorable baby racoon video | thumbnail includes a photo of a baby racoon wrapped up in a little tube.

Awkward Baby Racoon Steals Hearts (Video)

collection of animals showing affection to other animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling with a dog in a hospital 'Ron came to the vet clinic as a stray. After a few weeks he started making rounds to see patients, cuddling with pets to keep them warm and would sit next to any pet while they were asleep, offering comfort u/westcoastcdn19'

15 Heartwarming Moments Of Animals Being Kind To Other Animals

18 gifs and images of anime cats | thumbnail left blue anime cat luna thumbnail right anime cat sakamoto with title "best cats in anime"

Awesome Series of Memorable Anime Cats