
12 reddit text images | thumbnail background blue small dog bottom right corner text "She didn't have a "big" personality. Her skin was hanging off her very boney frame and her skin was bad. She's missing bits of her ears and was covered in scabs from fights. She was scared and sat in the back of the kennel nervously shaking. I brought her home for that reason. So many people rescue dogs under the premise of what the dog can do for them, but it should also be about what you can do for the dog."

Wholesome Tails Of Rescue Doggos Enjoying A Second Chance At Life

13 cat snaps | thumbnail left cat in baby play structure "bebby is hungry" thumbnail right cat relaxing on couch " getting married today woke up early and practiced my vows on my cat, but he didn't cry once. Should rewrite vows or get more sensitive cat?"

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

17 dog memes | thumbnail left dog tweet hiking friend squad dog tweet "EM @gaylasso my dad's girlfriend takes her dog on a hike every day and HER DOG HAS DOG FRIENDS. LOOK AT THIS SQUAD" thumbnail right dog snap sleeping in laundry basket with small boy

15 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day

video of a man playing the banjo for a wild fox | thumbnail includes a picture of a fox sitting in front of a man playing a banjo

Man Plays Banjo For A Wild Fox, It Comes Back For An Encore (Video)

15 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "music-books-cats · 18h If I see a man walking his Yorkie, I think "I'm glad that cute doggie is getting his walk". In my honest opinion, the only people that care about that are the toxic masculinity type people. My husband is 6 feet dude and our small dog is his baby, he walks him and he shows everyone pictures of him and he couldn't care less what other people think"

How Women Perceive Large Men With Small Dogs: Reddit Discussion

story of a cat with a terrible mouth injury getting recued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with a bad mouth injury

Rescued Kitten Survives A Terrible Mouth Injury And Finds A Forever Home

15 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat cooking meme cat nip "Cat - "Next it says add catnip." "You sure?" "Yep, that's what it says."" thumbnail right bat butt cheek tweet

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

video of man fighting off bear from porch | thumbnail image of man fighting off bear from porch

Florida Man Removes Bear From Porch To Protect His Doggo (Video)

this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leigh Cowart ... @voraciousbrain once when I was catastrophically depressed, I put my dirty dishes out in the rain (??????) and discovered the next day that all of my silverware had been stolen by an enormous raccoon who does not fear me 10:46 PM - May 11, 2021 Twitter for Android 10K Retweets 412 Quote Tweets 186.6K Likes'

Comedy Jams: 23 Funny Animal Tweets

17 facebook images and comments, potty training accidents | thumbnail blue background with text "phantom crapper'. growing up, our cat decided to use our toilet for number twos, but having no opposable thumbs, couldnt flush after she'd done. but until I caught her in the act, my mum would blame us all for it. I only caught her in the act because I snuck up the stairs and peered around the top of the stairs in the direction of the bathroom to find the cat squatting on the toilet"

Funniest Potty-Training Accidents Pet Owners Experienced: ICanHas Edition

video of frogs being affectionate with a human | thumbnail includes a picture of a frog placing its hand on a human's finger

What Happens When Frogs Like Their Human Too Much (Video)

story about a man taking care of a very sick kitten then finding her and her sister a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a man's shoulder and a man and a kitten booping noses

Man Protects Sick Newborn Kitten, Staying With Her Until She And Her Sister Found A Forever Home

5 dog videos | thumbnail left small dog in normal sized dog bed "herman will never get a comically large bed", thumbnail right same small dog in huge dog bed

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a dog looking at a human baby 'Favorite pic of Strider (dog) and Smulder (cat) taken the day my daughter came home.'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#171)

30 animal memes | thumbnail left otter meme "he needs those parts for his space ship he's going to otter space" thumbnail right cat with elaborate hat "when your clothes order arrived and everything is great you don't have to return anything"

Smol Series Of Animal Memes To Cackle At

15 tweets with images | thumbnail four images of wildcat in snow three photoshopped tweet "Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation @OKWildlifeDept YOU are cold. They have fur. Do not let inside. 4:37 PM · Jan 20, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 12.9K Retweets 6,488 Quote Tweets 115.3K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Warning Against Letting Wildcats Into Homes Turns Into Meme Battle