
5 dog videos | thumbnail 3 images side by side, dog and dad wearing neck cones post surgery sitting on couch

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures including two golden retrievers on chairs 'Camping with Golden Retrievers u/vinkulelu' and a dog with a prosthetic leg 'Golden lab Turbo is super impressed with his new prosthetic leg u/Boobglow'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#179)

collection of posts about cats and dogs being friends | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and dog cuddling 'My kitten & her emotional support dog. The dog is 3/4 blind & the kitten was semi feral when I got her. If she is touching the dog, & he is not worried about movement or a person, then she isn’t either. If she is not touching the dog, & it’s someone who lives here, she runs to a crate or behind the furniture, then comes back when she realizes it’s safe. Nancy LeLacheur Everett'

Wholesome Stories Of Cats And Dogs Being Affectionate With One Another

video highlighting rare baby deer | thumbnail image of baby deer close up portrait sticking his tongue out

Rare Baby Deer's Birth Delights Zookeepers (Video)

10 cat tweets cat's in shadows batman, thumbnail image of cat with shadow that looks like batman sideby side, tweet text "T. O. Burnett @AuthorTOBurnett I'm sure the cat did this on purpose. 3:01 AM · Mar 23, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 134.3K Retweets 6,057 Quote Tweets 929.4K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Mighty Cats Working Their Angles To Create Batman Shadows

18 animal memes | thumbnail left "My dad is in Peru having a melt down over alpacas.was the softest ever Dimitris This was the absolute SOFTEST and most HUGGABLE animal EVER. it is an Alpahaca I just couldn't stop hugging it and kissing it and putting my face on it's thick soft wool "I just couldn't stop hugging and kissing it and putting my face on it's thick soft wool"" thumbnail right "when you see your best friend for the first time in like forever

A Delightful Animal-Themed Meme Dump To Inspire A Cackle

13 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background, tweet text "Lauren Hough @laurenthehough ... Cop hanging out in the parking lot asked my dog if he's a good boy and I said don't answer that baby, we'll get you a lawyer. The cop doesn't think l'm funny but his girlfriend(?) wife(?) does and I think Woody learned a valuable lesson "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

video of hour long cat asmr compilation | thumbnail black cat with animated foods surrounding

One Hour Of Pure Cat Eating ASMR Purrfection (Video)

video of porcupine eating corn on the cob | thumbnail image of porcupine eating corn on the cob

Charismatic Porcupine Feasts Ravenously On A Lil Corn On The Cob (Video)

5 cat videos | thumbnail left and right small striped cat cuddling up to human

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

video of people kissing their dogs | thumbnail left and right woman with brown dog

Humans Record Themselves Kissing Their Doggos And Waiting For Their Reactions (Video)

video story of man and his bird | thumbnail image of man with large bird, owl

Former Drug Dealer Says Falconry Saved His Life (Video)

15 cat tweets curled feetsies | thumbnail image of cat sprawled out on rug with feetsies curled, tweet "Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat Good luck staying that stressed once I pull this feetsies move 7:31 AM · Mar 18, 2022 "

Twitter Thread: Curled Cat Feetsies As An Adorable Form Of Stress Relief For Cat-Loving Humans

collection of blind pet appreciation posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a chicken and one Facebook comment 'Bird - Traci Delore Buttercup, my blind chicken, waits in the coop every morning for her own special breakfast. I play a radio outside the coop when they free range and she uses the sound to find her way around. Of course I can't rearrange where anything is, but she still pretty amazing. OO9 172 Like Reply Hide Send Message 7h'

Blind Pet Appreciation Gallery: Giving Some Love To Our Blind Beauties

12 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background, tweet "whatthefelk @whattheFELK Just heard a woman say, “I never give my dog medicine I haven't tried first" and her friend responded, “oh, Janet, no." 12:42 AM · Mar 22, 2022 · Twitter Web App 6,139 Retweets 399 Quote Tweets 125.8K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (March 26, 2022)

17 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog and puppy "shhh. don't wake him up" thumbnail right two identical dogs in grocery carts "found her dog-pelganger"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes