
video of a kookaburra cuddling with a human | thumbnail includes a picture of a kookaburra sitting on a person

Woman Rescues Wild Kookaburra, It Jumps On Her For Some Cuddles (Video)

video of red panda pabu sneaking up on mom | thumbnail image of red panda about to pounce at other red panda closer to camera

Super Sneaky Red Panda Pabu Playfully Pounces On Mom In Ultimate Sneak Attack Of Cuteness (Video)

20 animal memes | thumbnail left corgi halfway on fence "when you're undecided about something" thumbnail right cat strateching "he's having a main character moment"

Funny Animal Themed Memes To Inspire A Robust Chuckle

story about a couple fostering a pregnant cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with four kittens sucking it 'Yesterday my wife asked me how I'd feel about fostering a pregnant cat for a few weeks while she gave birth to and raised kittens. I was kinda busy so I mumbled "Sure, that would be cool someday." Well, I was greeted this afternoon by a very pregnant cat. I guess today is someday. Wish us luck. u/JephriB' 'Jade, the pregnant foster cat my wife brought home as a 'surprise' last'

The Wholesome Journey Of Fostering A Pregnant Cat And Helping Her Birth The Kittens

vide of foxes gathering at window to eat | thumbnail image of foxes gathered together at window

Foxy Friends Gather At Their Human's Window For Snack Time (Video)

5 silly cat videos | thumbnail cat sleeping in bed in smaller bed on top of regular sized bed, side by side

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

collection of stories celebrating pets with imperfections | thumbnail include a picture of a ginger cat in a box and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Michelle Timpe Quan We adopted Jax from Seattle Humane as a senior kitty. He was a street cat and his ears were damaged from fighting and his scratching at ear infections. His ear "imperfections" are what people comment on immediately. He has the sweetest personality. OD 3 Like Reply Hide Send Message 6h'

Celebrating All The 'Imperfect' Pets: Seniors, Sick Pets, Rehomed Pets, Returned Pets And More

19 pics and gifs cows licking and kissing humans and animals | thumbnail left cow licking cat, thumbnail right cow licking human woman

Sweetheart Cows Showing Off Their Loving Side With Licks And Kisses: Moo For More

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny white kitten screaming and a tiny colorful kitten on a bed

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (April 9, 2022)

10 dog tweets | thumbnail image of dog looking in mirror four ways, tweet "dog_rates This is Bongo. He unlocked the multiverse. It was way easier than he thought it would be. 14/10 for each of them 11:49 PM · Apr 4, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 22K Retweets 973 Quote Tweets 207.5K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (April 9, 2022)

original song about a cat being a human's best friend | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman with a guitar and a cat on a table next to her

When Your Cat Is Like A Best Friend To You Song (Video)

original story about a bobcat kitten getting mistaken for a house cat and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bobcat peeking from behind a tree and a bobcat stretching on a log

Abandoned Bobcat Kitten Mistaken As Housecat, Gets Rescued, Starts Acting Like One Anyways

25 cat memes | thumbnail left two cats sitting on couch "edgaralanfrog: glencocoabutter: son, your mother and i are very concerned i never laughed at two cats harder before setheverman Source: buzzfeed" thumbnail right cat crush act natural

Fantastic Feline Cat Memes To Cackle And Meow At While Petting A Cat

collection of stories about pets comforting their humans | thumbnail includes a picture of a curled up cat and one Facebook comment 'Organism - Isabelle Doiron In January I nearly died. I had to have a blood transfusion and medication adjustments. I was bedridden for nearly 3 weeks. My mom and her husband came to take care of me. Loki never left my side.. He's never really been an affectionate cat in his nearly 14 years, but since January he's the neediest, cuddliest boy... He will catterwall'

Heartwarming Moments Of Pets Comforting Their Humans (Mostly Cats Being Awwdorable)

video of lions playing in fresh bedding | thumbnail image two lions laying in fresh bedding, sawwood wood chips

African Lions Roll Around And Snuggle In Fresh Bedding (Video)

11 cat tweets | thumbnail cat sitting on guy's head, "he's got his thinking cat on"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 8, 2022)