I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


story about an owl that was shot three times recuperating and getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scan of an owl with three gunshot wounds and another of a great horned owl being released back into the wild

Owl Found With Three Gunshot Wounds Recuperates And Returns To The Wild

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update on the story of a cat getting shot in the face he's doing amazing now thumbnail includes two pictures including an injured ginger cat and another of the same ginger cat being held by one of his caretakers

Cat With Gunshot Wound Gone Through Surgery And Is 'Doing Amazing'

Gulliver is a survivor, eating well and healing, and we're rooting for him!
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Have You Talked to Your Cat About Gun Safety?

guns Cats - 8987753472
Via Harmful_if_Inhaled

They Call it Their Armor For a Reason

fails news texas man shoots armadillo bullet ricochets and hits him in the face
Via CBC News

This Will Be The Last Time He Calls Me Kitty-Kat

guns tail Cats - 8495833856
See all captions

Goodbye, Man in the Yellow Hat

guns monkeys apes - 8139645184
Via Dump a Day

Hey Pilgrim!

guns gifs thanksgiving critters - 8386717952
Created by Sylviag ( Via GIPHY )

Your Weapons Are Useless

guns gifs Cats - 8270212864
Via 4 GIFs

I Didn't Say Fire Yet!

Cats guns gifs military - 8211121408
Via Reddit

I Think the Purpose of the Sign has Been Accomplished

guns funny signs - 7965698048

Better Watch Out! We've Got a Real Killer Here!

pew pew pew guns funny - 7836702464


guns funny - 7736492544
Via Tastefully Offensive

One Baaa-aad Goat

guns goat - 7340722176

He Made a Very Convincing Argument

guns goat that moment threatening choose vegetarian - 6841403392
See all captions Created by Palsnewark

We'll See Who's Laughing Then

prepared guns zombie attack goats - 6819983872
See all captions Created by JordanDilly

Plan for World Domination: Stalled

goat guns confused voting-page - 6615711488
See all captions Created by Kirajenlove
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