I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


Daily Squee: Pygmy Goats Invade Your Kitchen

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Animal Capshunz: Not Baaaad Advice

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Via Fadjit

So That's Where That Saying Comes From...

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Via Pleated Jeans
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Animal Videos: Goats Play Leapdog

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Animal Gifs: Goatstand!

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Close Enough

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The Floating Goat Cocktail

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Animal Videos: Playing With a Pygmy Goat

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Around the Interwebs: Cocoa the Pizza Goat Roams New York City

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Animal Capshunz: Kids These Days

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The Most Interesting Goat in the World

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Via Reddit

Oh, New York... You're So... You!

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Via @ReporterLeslie

Animal Capshunz: What Would Pygmy Goat Do?

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GIF: The Goat Hop

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