
8 images and vids of cats being jerks, thumbnail includes image of cat sitting in fruit basket next to empty cat bed, text "why lie down on the cat bed when you can use the fruit basket instead?"

Best Of The Week: Series Of Cats Being Jerks, Hooligans, And Total A-holes, We Still Love 'Em Though

5 cat videos  | thumbnail left and right boy sitting at desk doing homework, multiple cats sitting on desk with him

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

17 cat tweets | thumbnail image of cat waking up looking disheveled, tweet "memes I wish I could tag my cat in @memesiwish Me: *opens can of wet food* My cat who was just dead asleep: 1:40 PM · Mar 28, 2022"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 1, 2022)

20 lolcat cat memes | thumbnail left cat with pizza box "pizza tastes better when you share it with a friend" thumbnail right "I ate a kids meal at mcdonalds this morning, his mom was furious"

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #237

14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "We actually met our upstairs neighbor when she was petting him, and her and my girlfriend became friends. That friendship lasted until our cat started spending more and more time at her place. More and more frequently our routine was interrupted when M (our cat) would stay at her place overnight. We live in a large appartment complex on the ground floor whereas she lives on the 3rd with a nice view. M can walk up there easily."

Jealous Cat Owners Set Strict Boundaries After Their Cat Consistently Visits The Neighbor's Apartment

14 reddit text images, people bumping into their cats | thumbnail blue background, cat graphic, text "quadgop · 2 yr. ago I was driving past a school a couple of blocks from home and saw his fat ass disappearing through a side gate. Pulled over and said to him through the fence "what are you doing out here?". You could see from the confusion on his face that he was surprised to see me, it was all "wait, wut?". He meowed at me a couple of times then wandered off to whatever business he was up to.

Silly Stories Of Humans Bumping Into Their Independent Cats Outside Of The House

17 cat memes | thumbnail left "me, any cat" chasing, thumbnail right, look at this distinguished gentleman

Jumpin' Into A Pool Full Of Feline Hilarity: Deliciously Funny Cat Memes

15 cat tweets curled feetsies | thumbnail image of cat sprawled out on rug with feetsies curled, tweet "Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat Good luck staying that stressed once I pull this feetsies move 7:31 AM · Mar 18, 2022 "

Twitter Thread: Curled Cat Feetsies As An Adorable Form Of Stress Relief For Cat-Loving Humans

10 cat tweets | thumbnail image of minecraft animated cat, tweet "mocha @bigwanger12 Minecraft cat 9:50 PM · Mar 21, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 61.1K Retweets 1,240 Quote Tweets 433.5K Likes"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 25, 2022)

20 lolcat memes | thumbnail left cat at dining table with burnt croissaint, thumbnail right cat meme "finally got the cat to smile"

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #236

18 cat snaps | thumbnail left cat rescue on the way home "Our rescue looking at me while we drove her to her new home!" thumbnail right cat in flower pot "the most beautiful flower in the garden"

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

10 tweets, cats in istanbul statue | thumbnail image of cat leaning, cat statue below in same position, tweet "Lakota Man @LakotaMan1 In Istanbul, Turkey, they made a statue to honor a stray cat that used to sit in this position and watch the passers by. ONUR KEBAP 1306AI 3:17 AM · Mar 21, 2022 from Los Angeles, CA · Twitter for iPhone 5,850 Retweets 388 Quote Tweets 63.9K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Revered Cats Of Istanbul Honored In Statue Form

13 images of cats in baskets | thumbnail left cat laying at angle in basket, thumbnail right cat crouching in basket with leather straps

Cats In Baskets: Friendly Felines Relaxing In The Most Comfortable Of Baskets

10 reddit text images, cat on a leash | thumbnail blue background "My cat is sitting on my feet between the desk and my legs, back arched and fur sticking up but not hissing or growling just kind of frozen. The receptionist is yelling at the guy to get his dog under control or get out while he's yelling at me for being so stupid as to have a cat in public on a leash instead of in a cage."

Dude Takes His Cat To The Vet On A Leash, Gets Chewed Out By Everyone Present

16 liquid cat photos like pancakes | thumbnail left two cats flat on glass, thumbnail right cat sprawled on back laying on floor

Liquid Cats Looking Like Puddles Of Fluff And Cuteness

5 cat videos | thumbnail left cat standing on man's shoulders in grocery store, thumbnail right cat cuddling with woman laying in bed with book in her hands "when he gets cuddly i like to record because its cute and i wont stop"

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week