
10 tweets, student calls teacher feral cat | thumbnail  blue background tweet text "Me: So my husband -- First grader: You have a husband? Me: I do, the whole time you've known me. First grader: Oh. I always thought you were feral. Me: Er, do you mean 'single'? First grader: Whatever the word is that you use for stray cats"

Twitter Thread: First Grade Teacher Gets Mistaken For Feral Cat In Adorable Exchange With Student

12 pictures of cats with big ears | thumbnail three panel images cats with large ears

Ears For Days: Cool Cats Show Off Their Big, Floppy, Adorable Ears

video of calico cat fiending for lettuce | thumbnail image of calico cat eating lettuce

Mochi The Calico Goes Wild For Crisp Lettuce Leaves (Video)

12 sphynx tweets | thumbnail image of sphynx cat making bolognese with human woman, twitter "way to wake up on a Saturday is with a photo of a sphynx cat cooking Bolognese."

Sphynx Tweets: Fabulously Hairless Cats Take Over The Twittersphere

video of 20 facts about norwegian forest cats | thumbnail two side by side images of norwegian forest cats

20 Interesting Norwegian Forest Cat Facts (Video)

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat with shaved boots paws, thumbnail right cat hugging human hand affectionate

12 Supurrb Cat Tweets For A Caterrific Sunday

video tiger cubs born of endangered species | thumbnail siberian tiger with cubs

Fiercely Feline: Critically Endangered Siberian Tiger Cubs Born (Video)

video of kitten cleaning toebeans  | thumbnail image of kitten cleaning toe beans

Silly Kitten Sits In All Sorts Of Cute Positions While Aggressively Cleaning His Toe Beans (Video)

14 images of cats in sinks | thumbnail left cat curled up in sink, thumbnail right black cat sitting up in sink staring at camera "cats in sinks"

Cool Cats Comfortably Relaxing In Their Kitchen Sinks

13 swole cat photoshop images lucky cat | thumbnail left original swole lucky cat image, thumbnail right salt bae swole cat photoshopped image "psbattle: swole good luck cat"

Lucky Cat With Swole Arm Gets Humorously Photoshopped By Folks Of The Interwebs

A YouTube video about a man who feeds 100 stray cats every day | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a man feeding feral cats and a screenshot of stray cats sitting on the street

Super-Man Wakes Up At The Crack Of Dawn To Feed 100 Homeless Cats In Hawaii

11 images cats photoshopped cloaks | thumbnail image of lord of the ring cast with two cloaked cats photoshopped into image

Purrfect Image Of Cats Cosplaying Lord Of The Rings Gets Creatively Photoshopped

video of cat interacting with nintendo | thumbnail image of cat behind nintendo controller

Human Shows Off Super Nintendo And Allows Cat To Carefully Inspect Games (Video)

11 cat tweets, reveal humorous truth about cats | thumbnail blue background "Elle Has Cats @ellle_em My favorite thing is people who have the idea that cats are these independent loners with pitch-perfect survival instincts who literally do not need humans for anything finding out that cats are actually small dinguses who don't know how to drink water correctly."

Twitter Thread: Self Proclaimed 'Cat Lady' Reveals Humorous Truth About Cats

12 images photshopped jumping cat | thumbnail left original image jumping cat, thumbnail right assassin cat jumping robes

Epic Photoshop Battle: Jumping Cat Reaches For The Sky Alongside Two Feline Friends

15 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right images of woman cooking cat dinner "memes i wish i could tag my cat in @memesiwish mom before getting a cat: we DO NOT NEED A CAT mom after: ill cook for you later, lulu's dinner is almost ready"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (June 23, 2022)