I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


Never Let Go, Rose!

Cats FAIL fall falling screaming titanic yelling - 6014977536
Via Reddit

Animal Capshunz: Off to a Lousy Start

FAIL fall Hall of Fame head monday panda panda bear slide slides ugh - 5987984640
See all captions Created by cratchmaster

Animal Capshunz: Stabilize the Hull!

boat ermine fall ferret flip weasel - 5977758976
See all captions Created by NCcharmer
cat cute FAIL fall kitten play squee Video - 35451905

Animal Videos: Just A Little Adorable Bad Luck

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It's Okay To Give Up Sometimes

bird cat collapse fall lie relax - 5971278848

Animal Gifs: Sloth and Friend

cuddle FAIL fall friend gifs hug sloth squee - 5972196864

Cyoot Kitteh of teh Day: Catception Gone Wrong

computers cyoot kitteh of teh day FAIL fall wat - 5939992064
Via Caturday

Slothdalf the Brown

cling fall gandalf Lord of the Rings pop culture reference run sloth - 5938701824
See all captions Created by Unknown


cat FAIL fake fall flat food nom - 5912306688

Animal Gifs: Ultimate Transportation

car cat Cats drive fall gifs kitten ride roomba vacuum - 5873984000

GIF: Almost, But Not Quite...

FAIL fall falling gifs jump jumping oops short - 5855875840

zzzzzASDLBJGOFFFF-- ugh.

cat FAIL fall lazy sleep - 5833749248

GIF: Trying to Reach Ceiling Cat FAIL

climb climbing FAIL fall gifs ladders reaching - 5818976000

GIF: I Meant to Do That!

FAIL fall gifs panda bears panda roll rolling somersault somersaulting - 5780056064

Clumsy Panda

baby fall panda - 5733181952

Oh noes leaves!

autumn fall help japanese chin leaves - 5741038848
See all captions Created by jthm777