
12 text based reddit images, foster wants to keep dogs drama | thumbnail background two small golden puppies hugging each other "Posted by u/rose-ramos 1 day ago 389 Adopting two dogs; foster mom is being very clingy and trying to talk me out of it. Help? [Help], My wife and I are adopting two dogs from a rescue we're both fond of. The foster mom doesn't seem to understand boundaries; she will text and call me multiple times a day, including on Christmas Day,

Sus Woman Fostering Dogs Begs Adoptive Parents To Let Her Keep The Pups, Unpleasantry Ensues

a story about a woman dumping her boyfriend because he doesn't approve of her cat | thumbnail includes text saying

Woman Chooses Cat Over BF, Asks Internet For Advice

a thread about a woman chose husband is pressuring her to adopt a dog | thumbnail includes  text saying ') so the thought of a dog, along with everything I'm already doing, just sounds exhausting to me. I think it's relevant to note that I have not slept through even one night since having our son, I've always let my partner sleep because he works even on weekends so to say I've been tired for a while is an understatement.'

Husband Pressures Wife To Adopt A Third Animal: Reddit Advice Thread

a hilarious video about a woman trying to smuggle her emotional support lynx on a plane | thumbnail includes two screenshots and the text 'It is not a child! It's not a baby, it's a cat'

Woman Attempts To Take 'Emotional Support Lynx' On Plane

14 text based images reddit thread mom and daughter's gender reveal party for lizard | thumbnail blue background with animated lizard on right side, left "rhomboidus 4d Asshole Aficionado [14] 1 Award YTA Well I didn't come. I didn't see a point. It's just a lizard and I'm a busy person. It wasn't for the lizard, it was for your daughter. If you're too busy to do nice things for your family (or apparently even tell them you aren't coming) then just say that. "

Delusional Mom Refuses To Attend Gender Reveal Party For Daughter's Pet Lizard

a story about a man asking his girlfriend to abandon her pet cats in order to be with him | thumbnail includes text saying 'He turned around and got upset with me saying that I really was letting a big decision like this be affected over some cats. That really hurt'

Man Tries To Convince Girlfriend To Abandon Her Cats

a story about a Redditor's cousin demanding money to pay for her dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'Is it wrong of me to want to put Christmas presents for my family above her dog, given her dog will at least have food from the money I am offering?'

Dog Owner Asks Cousin To Give Up Christmas Gifts For Puppy

a reddit am I the asshole about a poor family who refuse to pay for their cat to go to the vet | thumbnail includes text saying 'If their cat is sick, they need to step up. Get a second job. Donate plasma. Make some sacrifices to get this cat to a vet. Losing weight, but still eating... first two things that come to mind are cancer or hyperthyroidism. Also, could be kidney disease or diabetes. But a vat that loses weight and is still eating is a very sick cat.'

Family Refuses To Take Sick Cat To Vet: Redditors React

a story about a roommate whose dog accidentally threw a cat out of the window with a happy ending | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA if my dog accidentally killed my roommates cat while I'm not home? So my roommate(28F) and I(27F) have lived together for 3 years. We each have a pet. I have a dog(Eros) and my roommate has a cat(Tut). They have always been best friends because they were raised together and got along since they were similar in size(Eros is 15'

Woman's Dog Chases His Roommate's Cat Out Of A Window: Who Is Responsible

a reddit item about a man who decides to fire his employee because her fox has made her a bad worker | thumbnail includes text saying 'She was aware of it and apologized, saying "sorry, I had to take [the fox] to a vet 1 hour away " or "sorry I'm late, [the fox] peed on me this morning before work and I had to re- shower," but it was happening nearly every day.'

Woman Asked To Surrender Her Pet Fox By Boss

a story about a woman riding first class being asked to change seats for a woman who had a service dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'The lady spoke up and said my seat would be great because it was bigger and could fit her service dog (Labrador) who was too big for her previous seat and I quote 'I usually get upgraded and people are kind enough to say yes and swap places without having an incentive'. This annoyed me as it came off entitled (imo) and'

Passenger Is Asked To Downgrade To Economy To Accommodate A Service Dog

a story about roommates fighting over cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'Over the last year and a half, I have been the ONLY one to purchase food or litter, and to clean the litterbox. I have also been the ONLY one to pay vet and rx bills for the cat. I don't mind this - fine, cool, I guess I now have a cute cat. My only'

Roommates Get Into Legal Battle Over Pet Cat

12 reddit based text images | thumbnail "Your home your decision. I can't see how they get to demand anything when it is your house. DO NOT offer to pay for a hotel. I'm not even sure at this point l'd offer to let them stay at my house even with my dog. The entitlement of people amazes me. There are ONLY way 3 reasons l'd say to board your dog: if someone has an allergy "

Family Requests Thanksgiving Host Board His Dog In Kennel, Host Refuses And Even Offers To Pay For Hotel

a reddit thread about a woman whose roommate tells her not to kiss her cat in front of him | thumbnail includes text saying 'I said that he has no right to tell me what to do with my own cat. He then said that he isn't telling me what to do and that he is just expressing his discomfort. I then said that he was gaslighting me and he burst into tears because he didn't like being called a gaslighter.'

Man Asks His Roommate To Stop Kissing Her Pet Cat: Viral Reddit Thread

10 reddit text based images | thumbnail reddit text "My fiancé was attacked by a golden retriever when he was 11. While it wasn't physically severe, it did affect him mentally and he had to go to therapy to be comfortable around dogs. He is now fine around all dogs but golden retrievers. Because of this, my sister always visits us without her dog. She's usually fine to go out if she is with our mum and doesn't want to bring the dog, this is what my sister says not me assuming."

Woman Chastised For Not Inviting Dog To Wedding, Family Threatens Not To Come

tumblr thread about an affectionate goat with pool noodles on its horns chasing and spooking a horse | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat with pool noodles on its horns and one tumblr post 'Font - It turns out that when someone puts pool noodles on a goat's horns, the goat doesn't really care. They're very light, after all, and she can't see them. You know who cares? Who cares a LOT? the HORSE. Hero took one look at Nutmeg wearing pool noodles and ran away. You know who doesn't want to be l'

Tumblr Thread: Affectionate Goat With Pool Noodles On Its Horns Chases Horse