
10 reddit text images and video dog | thumbnail left image of three legged dog in front yard of house, thumbnail left dog, text "When I'm home my dog has to go outside every hour to do this then he turns around and comes right back in"

Three-Legged Security Dog Is Beyond Adorable And A Little Bit Daft

10 reddit text images | thumbnail image of dog, cheeseburger, text "I just ate my cheeseburger meal in my car so I wouldn't have to share it with my dog I am ashamed but full"

Selfish But Hungry Pet Owner Turns To Reddit For Advice, Hilarity Ensues

21 dog memes | thumbnail left doggos are coming meme sitting on game of thrones throne, thumbnail right dog and puppy cuddling "beth phelan @beth_phelan THE PHOTO MY SISTER JUST SENT ME OF HER GREAT DANE AND THE NEW PUPPY THEY JUST GOT. LOOK AT IT."

21 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "I reminded her of our deal, so she told me that not letting the dog sleep on the bed was cruel and that dog beds must not be very comfortable "

Wife Disregards Husband's Wishes And Allows Dog To Sleep In Bed, Husband Left Disgruntled

13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background with text "What are the best/funniest things you've been asked about them? Someone today asked me if my whippet was cheaper to get than a greyhound would be because, when asked if he was a greyhound I said "he's a whippet. Like a greyhound, but smaller"

Funny And Random Things People With Uncommon Dog Breeds Get Asked: Reddit Discussion

5 dog videos | thumbnail image of golden dog with curling iron purple

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

12 dog petting permission tweets | thumbnail blue background "Dr. Raven the Science Maven is healing ... @ravenscimaven Why are people getting an attitude with me when they ask me if they can pet my dog and I say no???? People really not used to hearing "NO" 9:59 PM · Mar 12, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 643 Retweets 202 Quote Tweets 13.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Dog Owners Get Real About Denying Petting Permission

15 animal tweets | thumbnail left and right cats with watermelon "translated cats @TranslatedCats There are usually two types of merchants. 5:22 PM · Mar 10, 2022 · Twitter Web App 62.7K Retweets 1,486 Quote Tweets 323.5K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

video of samoyed being thoroughly groomed | thumbnail image samoyed getting washed

Professional Groomer Takes On Matted Samoyed Challenge (Video)

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "About an hour in a young lady like myself came with a service dog and opened the door to my compartment and came in. It wasn't locked because I had forgotten. I asked her what she was doing and she replied with "There is more than enough space and I need the extra space for my dog" I was a little annoyed to be honest. I replied "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to please leave and not stay" "It is because I have a disability isn't it"

Woman With Dog Allergy Books Train Compartment, Turns Away Passenger With Service Dog

15 dog tweets, self care | thumbnail blue background "Sophie Vershbow @svershbow I love when dogs put themselves to bed. Yes you self- care king, listen to your body and do what feels right. 5:05 AM · Mar 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 12.1K Retweets 647 Quote Tweets 186.1K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Self Care Prioritizing Doggos Putting Themselves To Sleep

13 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "Sophie Vershbow @svershbow ... I love when dogs put themselves to bed. Yes you self- care king, listen to your body and do what feels right. 5:05 AM - Mar 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 10.5K Retweets 573 Quote Tweets 164.5K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (March 12, 2022)

video about couple, insurance company cancelled them bc of pitbull | thumbnail image of pitbull brown

Ridiculous Insurance Company Cancelled Couple’s Policy Because Of Their Pitbull (Video)

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " Isn't that the best? My now-senior rescue mutt came to me from death row at a county pound, where she'd been attacked by another dog and had been languishing for weeks. She was at least a year old when I got her, and skittish AF. About six months into our time together (10 years ago :)), she rolled over to show me her belly to get scritches, and started playing with toys. It's like a switch flipped and she suddenly remembered how to dog."

Magical Moments Of Rescue Doggos Building Trust With Their Humans

10 animal images | thumbnail image of bear and dogs "who's gonna tell him he's not a dog?"

Adorable Bear Thinks He’s A Dog, Reddit Hilarity Ensues

15 reddit text comments | thumbnail blue background text " Tiny dogs in littler sweaters are fine as long as they are weather appropriate and pet safe! My little chi got cold often and was not used to the cold weather climate of the new place we moved. She would regularly need at least a little sweater when it was chilly. People act like I'm doing for giggles. I wanted her warm and cute"

Dog-Owning Redditors Share Their Most Lightheartedly Controversial Dog Opinions