dog person

‘From dog person cat convert’: Finding unexpected joy companionship purrs shelter cat | thumbnail includes one image which shows a black cat sitting in a funny position looking at the camera ‘Y’all, I did NOT realize how affectionate & loving a cat could be.’

‘From dog person to cat convert’: Finding unexpected joy and companionship in the purrs of a shelter cat

Woman's Heart Melts As She Watches Her Reactive Pit Bull Fall In Love with Her New Rescued Kitten, Goes Viral

Woman's Heart Melts As She Watches Her Reactive Pit Bull Fall In Love with Her New Rescued Kitten, Goes Viral

'The Kitten Whisperer': Saddest Dog at the Shelter Gets Rescued But Is Afraid to Come Out of His Shell Until His Mom Starts Fostering Kittens

'The Kitten Whisperer': Saddest Dog at the Shelter Gets Rescued But Is Afraid to Come Out of His Shell Until His Mom Starts Fostering Kittens

POV a Golden Retriever and Kitten Grow to Be Best Friends After One Falls Ill, Goes Viral

POV a Golden Retriever and Kitten Grow to Be Best Friends After One Falls Ill, Goes Viral

'This is my dog's kitten': Golden Retriever Finds Abandoned Kitten in the Tall Grass, Brings Him Back Home and Helps His Hooman Raise Him

'This is my dog's kitten': Golden Retriever Finds Abandoned Kitten in the Tall Grass, Brings Him Back Home and Helps His Hooman Raise Him

Kangaroo the Kitten Runt and Possum the Puppy Runt Who Both Got Kicked Out of Their Litters Become Thicker Than Thieves, Inspire Viral Cuteness

Kangaroo the Kitten Runt and Possum the Puppy Runt Who Both Got Kicked Out of Their Litters Become Thicker Than Thieves, Inspire Viral Cuteness

Pawwwdorable Pittie Found Perched in Cat Tree with His Feline Friends After the Dog's Owner Jokingly Tells Him to ‘Watch the Cats,’ Goes Viral

Pawwwdorable Pittie Found Perched in Cat Tree with Her Feline Friends After the Dog's Owner Jokingly Tells Her to ‘Watch the Cats,’ Goes Viral

dog and cat become best friends and cause cute chaos in the home

'Are you serious?': Diabolical cat and dog dynamic duo have created the most mischievous friendship

A Youtube video about a family who was grieving over their late dog and decided to get a cat to fill the void | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Sphynx cat licking its leg and a picture of a Sphynx cat sitting on a hammock like a human

Dog Person Gets Her First Cat And He Exceeds All Her Expectations (Video)

Tragic Story Comes to a Happy End When Heartbroken Black Goldendoodle Is Given a New Kitten to Rescue

Tragic Story Comes to a Happy End When Heartbroken Black Goldendoodle Is Given a New Kitten to Rescue

A YouTube video about the story of Bug, a white cat foster fail | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of Bug the cat in the shelter and a screenshot of a man holding and hugging a cat

Dude Who Claimed To Be A Dog Person Begged His Wife To Adopt A Cat That Loves To Cuddle (Video)