
15 pictures of cat rescue, 4 pictures of text, and 1 video of cat rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten including '2023 I found Milou paralyzed & petrified of human touch @Pawscrossedleb', one picture of a kitten including 'After MRI, it showed he had nerve damage from an injury We immediately introduced all methods of physiotherapy @Pawscrossedleb', and one picture of a cat and woman including 'Our bond is unbreakable Donate to our shelter to help more cats like Milou (Link in'

Feline foster mom rescues disabled kitten from life on the streets, through years of rehabilitation they develop an unbreakable heartwarming bond (Video)

Desperate disabled cat rescued serious surgery forever home | thumbnail includes three images first image shows a cat with its front legs bent backwards running under a car ‘to run away’, the second image shows an xray of a cat ‘was shocked’, the third image shows a happy orange cat ‘of love’

Desperate Disabled Cat Gets A Fluffy Fresh Start To Life After A Serious Surgery And Finding Its Forever Home

28 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with flowers, one picture of a cat, and one picture of text including 'Show me your disabled cats, big or small differences <3'

28 Spry And Sassy Special-Needs Kitties Who Are Purrfectly Unique And Pawsitively Adorable

25 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Felidae'

A Bountiful Bushel of Tripod Cats Proving To Us That 3 Is The Cutest Number (25 Cute Cat Pics)

A Youtube video about the rescue story of a premature disabled orange kitten that has to wear a helmet for protection | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny orange kitten on a woman's hand and a picture of an orange tabby cat laying on a white bed with a helmet on its head

A Hopeful Rescue Story About A Premature Disabled Orange Kitten That Has To Wear A Helmet For Protection (Video)

A Youtube video about a disabled black cat with wobbly syndrome that finally got adopted into his forever home

Willy, A Disabled Black Cat That No One Wanted, Finally Gets Adopted Into His Forever Home (Video)

video of fox with colorful walker | thumbnail image of fox with colorful walker

Colorful Walker Helps This Disabled Fox Get Around (Video)

a story about a blind and deaf cat who was born and the advice that people gave | thumbnail includes text saying 'I had a cat with cerebellar hyperplasia. He was born deaf, had a bit of a bobble head motion going on, and walked in circles a lot. I loved this cat like crazy. He could do pretty much anything the other cats could, just not with as much grace.'

Advice For Taking Care Of A Deaf And Blind Kitten: Wholesome Thread

a heartwarming story about a man adopting 40 seagulls | thumbnail includes a photo of 10 seagulls with the man's pet cat

Man Adopts 40 Disabled Seagulls (Video)

video of a disabled parrot learning to walk in boots | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot wearing tiny boots

Parrot Learns To Walk On Tiny Boots After Losing Her Feet (Video)

photos of three legged dogs and cats, animals missing a leg | thumbnail is a three legged cat sleeping, and a three legged dog being adopted by a three legged man with the caption 'witnessed the most pure moment today - a Veteran adopting a dog with one missing leg as well. I don’t think my heart has ever been so full'

Awwdorable Three Legged Animals Living Life To The Fullest

story about a kitten with disability being determined to walk | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with a dysfunctional leg and a kitten booping her nose against a human's nose

Stray Kitten With A Fused Spine And Tail Is Determined To Walk And Live Happily

video of woman and squirrel | thumbnail left and right squirrel images

Woman Adopts Aggressive Special Needs Squirrel And Shows Him Love (Video)

viral imgur thread of a chicken with a scissor beak condition | thumbnail includes two pictures of a chicken with a cross beak condition 'This is Dory, and as you can probably see, she has something called cross beak. Even as it progressed, she still strived- it felt like overnight how quickly it worsened... my dang bleeding heart couldn’t give up on her and I’m so glad I didn’t grrumble'

Thread: Affectionate And Goofy Scissor-Beak Chicken Strives For Best Life

story about an adopted tripod kitten getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a tripod kitten '"They bonded first over their missing front left legs. It was the sweetest thing to see her take him under her wing and start grooming him soon after meeting" - Andrea'

Abandoned Tripod Kitten Finds Forever Home With Another Tripod Cat

appreciation posts of blind cats thumbnail includes a picture of a senior blind cat with clear and striking blue eyes 'Beautiful blind senior cat u/trwwy321'

Purrfectly Wholesome Blind Cat Appreciation Collection

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