
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

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A Deer and a Dog Become Running Buddies

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I'll Help You, Little Guy!

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I'm Rather Fawned of You

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This Possum Isn't Playing!

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You Have a Fawn on Your Lawn

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You See This Woman? She's Mine!

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I'm King of the Foresphttbhpththbptphth

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Time to Lose That Fur Coat

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Share and Share Alike

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I'll Help Sniff Out Your Mama

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He's the Envy of the Meadow

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Heads Up!

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The Poor Judgement of a Deer

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Um...What Do I Do? Chase it?

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Doe in the Spring Daises