
video of a dad who said he doesn't like cats hanging out with a kitten | thumbnail includes a man smiling at a kitten who's standing on a scratcher

Dad Who Said 'I Don't Like Cats' Meets A Rescued Kitten And Immediately Falls In Love (Video)

twitter thread about a dad building a cat bed out of an old TV | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting in a handmade cat bed and one tweet 'Product - Audrey KS vote NO August 2nd * @biggestweiner My dad bought an old tv and gutted it to turn it into a cat bed ALT 10:27 PM - Jul 16, 2022 - Twitter for Android ALT ALT 47.7K Retweets 2,336 Quote Tweets 498.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Wholesome Dad Buys An Old TV And Turns It Into The Purrfect Cat Bed

A Video and 17 screenshots from reddit about a male cat that took on the role of a nursemaid to a kitten he didn't want | Thumbnail includes a male cat pretending to nurse a kitten 'My male cat who two days ago didn't want anything to do with the new kitten has now taken on the role of nursemaid.'

Male Cat Who Wanted Nothing To Do With The New Kitten Takes On The Role Of A Nursemaid

story about a cat getting rescued and having kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat and a bunch of kittens 'We took in a little guy who couldnt stay at his home due to allergies a while ago. He found a loving home in the house of a family member of ours. He even got a girlfriend and became a dad recently. I proudly present nardam'

Awwdorable Cat Gets Rescued, Finds A Girlfriend And Becomes A Cat Dad Of Three (Thread)

5 TikToks about a woman who wears a beard in order to get her cat to love her as much as he does his dad | Thumbnail includes woman wearing a beard and holding a cat, woman wearing a beard and cuddling a cat, and a man cuddling a cat 'Day number 2,396 of trying to bond with my beard loving cat "I would never wear a fake beard to get my cat to like me" Tik Tok tOedirt When your cat has made you the side chick in your marriage'

Cat Mom Wears A Fake Beard To Get Her Cat Roswell To Love Her Like He Does His Dad

3 TikTok videos about a cat who screams for his dad to wake up and cuddle him and two screenshots of two comments | Thumbnail includes an orange cat screaming near a white door, a man holding a cat and kissing him 'It's 7:30AM. Dave was fed at 6. Dave is on his second screaming session of the morning because he has not yet been permitted to cuddle Jackson... Reply to denchiol's comment gonna need some proof that he's cuddling jackson'

Orange Cat Dave Screams For His Dad To Wake Up And Come Cuddle Him ASAP

A TikTok video of a cat dad helping his cat get down from a high cupboard | Thumbnail includes a cat on a blue cupboard and a man helping the cat get down 'When we first started dating and he said he didn't like cats.. to rescuing a panic crying sucky baby who found a new spot in the house, but couldn't figure out how to get down'

Man Who Used To Hate Cats Rescues His Girlfriend's Cat From The Highest Cupboard In The House

A video of a cat dad meeting his kittens for the first time | Thumbnail includes a cat dad meeting his kittens for the first time while mom cat lays beside them

Papa Cat Meets His Baby Kittens For The First Time Ever (Video)

An article with 6 screenshots and 2 tiktok videos about the story of a girl surprising her dad with a rescued cat | Thumbnail includes a photo of the rescued cat, a photo of the dad, and a selfie with dad and cat 'surprising my dad with a cat he's pissed'

Dad Goes From Texting About How Bad The Cat Is To Texting Cute Pictures Of Cat's Criminal Activities

posts about dads falling in love with the pets they originally did not want | thumbnail includes two pictures of a man with a cat on top of him 'Step Dad went from “cats are a nuisance, we can get one but I want nothing to do with it” to signing birthday and Christmas cards “Love from Anastasia & Ruby” u/lizzah2211'

16 Dads Who Did Not Want Pets And Who Fell In Love With Them Anyway

These Viral-Worthy Dogs React to Their Human Babies in the Most Wholesome Way

These Viral-Worthy Dogs React to Their Human Babies in the Most Wholesome Ways

13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Anyways, so he's started complaining about all the pet fur, the dogs barking at him, cats on the sofas.. I ignored him mostly, cuz he's old and bitter but I would occasionally remark that his old place was covered in literal trash and to think of it as an upgrade."

Low-life Dad Moves In With Adult Daughter And Husband, Has The Audacity To Complain About Pets

collection of wholesome dog memes sent to us by one of our dads | thumbnail includes two memes including a man photographing a dog 'Photograph - Dad: "Keep that dog away from me." *2 weeks later* Dad: @CLASSICDADMOVES' and a man playing with a dog on a swing 'Vehicle - Dad: “Keep that dog away from me." Also Dad: bdwalkyogu'

Wholesome Dog Memes My Dad Who Fell In Love With Our New Puppy Sent Me This Week

collection of family-themed animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a dad drinking beer with a raccoon 'Hand - Dad: *doesn't want dog* Family: *gets dog anyway* Dad and the dog:' and a person holding a happy dog 'Dog - when you argue with your sibling and your parent chooses your side #siblingsaturday #katrinamhm'

Family-Themed Animal Memes That Hit Close To Home

29 pictures of cats with men | thumbnail left three cats laying on seated man, thumbnail right cat giving man kiss on cheek outside sunset visible

Heartwarming Series Of Cat Dads And Their Fur Babies: This One's For The Boys

original ICanHasCheezburger animation about a dad falling in love with the new kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting on an angry dad's head and a dad taking selfies with a kitten

When Dad Secretly Loves The New Kitten (Original Animation)