
pictures and Facebook comments of pets sitting in places they shouldn't | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog sitting in a cat tree and a cat sitting on a woman's head

Most Ridiculous Things Pets Were Caught Sitting On (With Funny Pics)

collection of Facebook posts of things cat owners learned about cats only after becoming cat owners | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Rectangle - Snowy Cat The Halloween cat pose (back arched, standing on tippy toes, tail fluffed) actually happens in real life and is often hilarious--mostly because it happens for the silliest and most harmless reasons in my home. e 26 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 7h - Edited'

Unexpected Things Cat Owners Learned About Cats Only After Adopting One

collection of Facebook posts with reasons why dogs god expelled from doggy daycare | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Kim Dietrich My dog crashed through a gate to fight another dog. She kicked his ass. The staff took him to the vet. He was fine. But when I picked him up, his face was all puffy. He learned his lesson. And the daycare reinforced all their gates. But there really is nothing like getting a call that your dog has been in a fight when you're an elementary teacher'

Reasons Not-So-Good Doggos Got Expelled From Daycare (Part Two)

stories of cats getting jealous | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Rectangle - Hunter Kintsukuroi cats do get jealous. when i brought mine over to my moms, but played with her dog, my cat would run up to the dog, hit him on the nose, then bolt out of the room. the poor dog was old and mostly blind, he had no idea what just happened. 16 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 11h'

Funny Stories Of Cats Getting Jealous And Possessive Over Their Owners

collection of funny animal moments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Bronwen Hope Bit of background first: a few years ago, I had the audacity to sneeze unexpectedly while she was sleeping next to me. Ever since, I am scolded for sneezing quite often. A few weeks ago, someone sneezed in the hallway outside our apartment. She ran over to the door to yell at them. Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 4d'

Just Another Collection Of Giggle-Worthy Animal Moments

collection of Facebook comments about pets showing affection to their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Tiffany Butrum Whenever my cats are hacking up something I always stand beside them, pat their back, and comfort them. One time I was very sick with a stomach bug and every time I ran to the toilet to vomit one of my cats would run with me, sit down, and put one paw on my leg, her face full of concern. Love my girls 17 Like · Reply Hide Send Message · 2d'

Sweetest Things Pets Have Done To Show They Care About Their Humans

funny stories of pets getting stuck | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten stuck in a connect-four game 'Toy - JoAnna Koons Rescued from a back yard at 2 1/2 weeks old. Head stuck in milk crate at 3 weeks. Senie OD9 150 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 4d' and a dog in a cone stuck at a wall 'Dog - Emily Anne My collie pup had an eye infection and needed a cone. Anytime he hit a wall, he would freeze and wait for rescue. He stuck. D 142 Like Reply · Hide Send Message 4d · Edited'

Moments Of Hooligan Pets Getting Stuck (Plus Funny Pics As Proof)

animals painted in chalk in the hills of England | thumbnail includes two picture of horses made of chalk drawn on hills 'people carved trenches 3,000 years ago and filled them with chalk in the shape of a horse but what's interesting is that if you fail to maintain the horse by adding new chalk regularly, it will disappear. for 3,000 years, we've been filling in chalk in this horse so it doesn't disappear.'

Animals Drawn In Chalk In The Hills Have Been Maintained For Thousands Of Years

collection of funny cat zoomie stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a ginger cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Dana Jenelle Froze, stared straight at me, FINISHED POOPING ON THE LIVING ROOM FLOOR (one tiny turd), went MEROO0000OW and zoomed off again. It was the eye contact that did me in, I was howling with laughter over it. Here's the culprit, Tybalt O 30 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 2d'

Ridiculous Mid-Zoomie Cat Moments: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

Facebook comments about cat owners reacting to scary noises at night by blaming their cats | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Jean Morrison not a nighttime story, but it fits: last spring, I heard a "THUMP" and immediately started yelling, "WHAT have you done NOW??" to my 3 cats. Then I looked outside and saw an enormous, tree-sized limb had just fallen from a white pine onto my lawn. "eerrrrr, sorry cats; guess it wasn't one of you, THIS TIME" D 45 Like'

Cat Owners Reacting To Scary Noises In Totally Appropriate Ways

collection of funny animal Facebook comments | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Holly Heinzer My Maine Coon has seasonal allergies. For about a week in the fall and spring, he gets attacks of "sneezles." He rapid-fire sneezes about 10-15 times. When this happens, he inevitably launches himself backward off the bed and hits the floor, letting out a surprised yowl while still sneezing madly. 3 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 1d Edited'

Facepalm-Worthy Funny Animals: Mischief And Shenanigans Galore

collection of Facebook comments about cats being adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of three black cats and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Julie Dean Wingett These three sweeties (three months old at the time) were found in the parking lot of my husband's office. A few hours later, they had a forever home! OD 38 Like Reply Hide · 1w'

A New Collection Of Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories From ICanHas Users

collection of Facebook comments of cats being affectionate | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Top fan Wendy Moyer My daughter's cat, who normally sits with me for 10 to 20 minutes maximum in the morning, spent over two hours today, purring on me, because I am very sick with influenza. Whenever she would stand and stretch, she'd give me this sort of considering look, then curl up, and start purring again, because I obviously needed more healing. ODS 36 Like'

Awwdorable Moments Of Cats Loving Their Humans

collection of stories about senior cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Bob Roby We found Maggie close to death in our driveway and nursed her back to health. The vet estimated at the time that she was 9 years old. She only weighed 4 pounds. Three years later she's happy and healthy, and sleeping in my lap as I type this. OD9 15 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 2d'

Giving Senior Cats Love: Wholesome Stories Of Adopting Senior Kitties

funny things people have caught themselves saying to their pets | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Rectangle - Sandra McCullough Cone My husband once said to our adult cat who was hissing at a kitten "Go upstairs if you can't keep a civil tongue in your head" 139 Like · Reply' and 'Handwriting - Denise Moreland OMG! You ate the baby jesus?!?! I yelled when my lab pooped out the baby jesus that had previously been in my aunt's nativity set. 133 Like Reply Hide Send Message 4d'

Funniest Things People Caught Themselves Saying To Their Pets

Facebook comments about cats showing love to their humans | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Cheryl Kish Shadow (named because she truly is my shadow) curls up next to me or on my chest, talks, purrs and reaches out her paw to touch my face or arm to get my attention. She has lung cancer, so these moments are beyond precious to me. 25 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 3d'

Heartwarming Moments Of Cats Showing Affection To Their Humans