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discussion adoption vs rescuing dog |  thumbnail text "Should i feel guilty for buying a dog (purebred) instead of adopting one ? I bought my dog five years ago i was a teenager i love him and take care of him , guys he is literally the love of my life BUT however recently my best friend has been shaming me for buying instead of adopting and the more i think about it the more gulity i feel. Help me out guys what are your thoughts ?" " Getting dog from shelter/rescue: Good. "

Discussion: Feeling Guilty About Buying A Purebred As Opposed To Rescuing From Shelter

Hiya friends. Today we'd like to address this super relevant question that many folks looking into getting a dog come across. Should you feel guilty about buying a purebred as opposed to rescuing a mixed breed dog from a shelter? And in general, regardless of breed, should you feel guilty about buying a dog? Many chimed in to voice their opinions on this heated subject after the discussion emerged in the depths of Reddit. We'd like to quote Reddit user Mbwapuppy as we voice our own opinion on t…
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