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bernie sanders

viral twitter thread about ocean animals again Bernie Sanders for scale thumbnail includes two pictures of Bernie Sanders wearing mittens including one where he's next to a giant crab and another where he's holding a jellyfish 'Human body - Open Ocean Exploration @RebeccaRHelm 000 The approximate size of various ocean animals with a Bernie for scale. A Thread. 5:14 AM - Jan 22, 2021 Twitter Web App 9K Retweets 1.9K Quote Tweets 31.9K Likes'

Ocean Animals Versus Bernie For Scale (Viral Twitter Thread)

Hilarious... but surprisingly informative too.
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Birds That Look Like Bernie Sanders | cute little round grey birds with a white belly and white fuzz feathers coming out from the sides of their heads like tufts of hair

Birds That Look Like Bernie Sanders Or As We Like To Call Him, Birdie Sanders

Birds That Look Like Bernie Sanders
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Feeding my cat

bernie sanders 2020 presidential candidate fundraising campaign I am once again asking for your financial support | me: feeds my cat. my cat: after few minutes: i am once again asking for your nutritional support
Via Cats On Catnip

Birdie Sanders

birdie sanders
Via GallowBoob