
Don't be a baby, unless your mine. Then it's a different story. These juvenile posts will have you gooing and gaaing all day long.

original ICanHasCheezburger story about a cat who had six kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a mom cat nursing six kittens and a bunch of kittens in a bowl

Feline Mother Of Five Puts On ‘Super Momma’ Cape To Care For Four More

video of a puppy meeting kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with newborn kittens on a bed and a puppy leaning onto the same bed as well

Cat Calmly Lets German Shepherd Puppy Meet Her Newborn Kittens For The First Time (Video)

twitter thread about a bunch of people rescuing pregnant cats and adopting them and their babies | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a bunch of kittens and one tweet 'Cat - www Frances and Family @francesandfam 8 months ago I brought Frances inside. 2 days later she gave birth. I never thought I could ever love anything as much as I love them. 6 cats was never part of my plans but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world. Thank you for helping us all stay a family.'

Twitter Thread: Adopting Pregnant Cats And Wholesome Stories Of People Keeping Their Babies Too

5 adorable TikTok videos on the theme of babies and cats | Thumbnail includes screenshot of woman holding cat and baby, another screenshot of baby sitting on the floor and cats on cat tree and baby in stroller with cat 'SIGNS YOUR BABY MIGHT BE TOXIC TO CATS'

TikTokers Show What It's Like Having Chubby Babies And Chonky Cats Under One Roof

viral imgur thread about a cat unexpectedly giving birth on Easter | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mom cat lying with a bunch of newborn kittens 'Surprise Easter kittens! kittycrazy88'

In An Awwdorble Surprise, Cat Gives Birth During Easter, Goes Viral And Takes Over Everyone's Hearts

Viral Golden Retrievers Melt TikTokers' Hearts When they Meet Their Newborn Human Baby Sister for the First Time

Viral Golden Retrievers Melt TikTokers' Hearts When they Meet Their Newborn Human Baby Sister for the First Time

video of a baby whale mistaking a boat for another whale and its mom coming to rescue it | thumbnail includes a picture of a baby whale next to a boat and a diver

Baby Whale Mistakes Boat For Mother, She Comes To Rescue Her Baby (Video)

story about a couple fostering a pregnant cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with four kittens sucking it 'Yesterday my wife asked me how I'd feel about fostering a pregnant cat for a few weeks while she gave birth to and raised kittens. I was kinda busy so I mumbled "Sure, that would be cool someday." Well, I was greeted this afternoon by a very pregnant cat. I guess today is someday. Wish us luck. u/JephriB' 'Jade, the pregnant foster cat my wife brought home as a 'surprise' last'

The Wholesome Journey Of Fostering A Pregnant Cat And Helping Her Birth The Kittens

video of a bear cub riding on a scooter | thumbnail includes two pictures of a bear cub riding on a scooter

Baby Bear Riding A Scooter, Zookeepers Build Another Scooter For Bear Cub That Gets Jealous (Video)

Churnalism piece about mechanical pooper scooper invented by Beetl | thumbnail includes photoshopped image of a dog on a toilet and a photo of the robotic pooper scooper

In The Making: Mechanical Pooper Scooper For The Modern Day Dog Owner

Baby Adorably Squeals with Excitement When She's Finally Allowed to Pet the Cat

Baby Adorably Squeals with Excitement When She's Finally Allowed to Pet the Cat

video of two baby colts' first moments | thumbnail image of mama crane with baby crane colt on her back

Proud Mama Crane Watches Her Tiny Baby Cranes' First Moments (Video)

a cute video of a baby being helped by a dog | thumbnail includes a photo of a dog cuddling with a baby

Dog Helps His Baby Sister Walk For The First Time (Video)

a heartwarming story about a baby wombat being rescued | thumbnail includes a photo of a man with a wombat

Woman Rescues Cuddly Wombat (Video)

a super cute video of baby otters playing and having fun and sleeping | thumbnail includes text saying 'Kotaro and Hana'

Sleeping Baby Otters Wake Up To Play (Video)

a story from reddit about a man whose girlfriend refuses to care for her animals, forcing him to leave her | thumbnail includes text saying 'In a recent conflict, I decided I can no longer allow this and said that it's up to her to decide if she wants to live with me and our daughter or rather have all the animals (for whom she doesn't take care of)'

Man Demands His Hoarder Girlfriend Surrender Animals