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14 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted photos of their cats seconds before they get belly rubs | Thumbnail includes an orange cat with a white belly laying in white bedding 'Orange kitties with white bellies are very smoochable.'

14 Photos Of Cats 5 Seconds Before They Get Smooched And Coddled Like The Babies That They Are

So sweet and floofy
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6 screenshots and 1 TikTok telling the story of a jealous cat that wants to be held like a baby | Thumbnail includes a cat sniffing a baby and a man holding a cat like a baby

Jealous Kitty Raya Asks To Be Held Like Her Newborn Baby Sister

Cat: I'm the real baby here!
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2 TikToks and comments about a cat that formed a bond with his unborn baby brother | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of a cat laying on a pregnant woman's stomach and cuddling it

Cat Cuddles Belly And Bonds With Baby Before He's Even Born

So wholesome it hurts
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2 TikToks of a mom cat holding her kittens and funny comments | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of an orange cat holding her grey kittens

Cat Holds On To Her Favorite Kitten For Her Dear Life As The Vet Gets Ready To Examine Them

She's her emotional support child
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3 TikToks of a baby and a cat being best friends and cuddling | Thumbnail includes a sleeping baby with a small kitten, a kitten and baby holding hands, and a sleeping baby and a kitten

Woman Gets A Cat Thinking He Will Be Her Best Friend, Cat Befriends The Woman's Baby Instead

Baby fever + cat fever
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video of a puppy meeting kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with newborn kittens on a bed and a puppy leaning onto the same bed as well

Cat Calmly Lets German Shepherd Puppy Meet Her Newborn Kittens For The First Time (Video)

Wholesomeness galore <3
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twitter thread about a bunch of people rescuing pregnant cats and adopting them and their babies | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a bunch of kittens and one tweet 'Cat - www Frances and Family @francesandfam 8 months ago I brought Frances inside. 2 days later she gave birth. I never thought I could ever love anything as much as I love them. 6 cats was never part of my plans but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world. Thank you for helping us all stay a family.'

Twitter Thread: Adopting Pregnant Cats And Wholesome Stories Of People Keeping Their Babies Too

Adopting whole feline families <3
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Viral Golden Retrievers Melt TikTokers' Hearts When they Meet Their Newborn Human Baby Sister for the First Time

Viral Golden Retrievers Melt TikTokers' Hearts When they Meet Their Newborn Human Baby Sister for the First Time

The pair are so gentle and sweet—one of them even leaves to go get his toy to give to her.
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1 embedded video of a Siberian husky falling asleep in bed with a little human and 9 images of big dogs and little children | thumbnail includes two images of dogs and children, on the left a picture of a baby and a large brown dog in front of a lit Christmas tree and on the right a picture of a small boy in a striped onesie walking a black and white Great Dane

Little Humans and the Big Dogs That Love Them: Total Cuteness Overload

So cute I can't even stand it!
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A listicle of 16 screenshots of small dogs from subreddit | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a small dog 'This is Nora, she may have doubled in size. But she is still illegally smol''

Compact Cuteness: Top 16 Illegally Smol Doggos Of The Week

Cute criminals
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Churnalism piece about mechanical pooper scooper invented by Beetl | thumbnail includes photoshopped image of a dog on a toilet and a photo of the robotic pooper scooper

In The Making: Mechanical Pooper Scooper For The Modern Day Dog Owner

pooping scooping just got a whole lot easier
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These Viral-Worthy Dogs React to Their Human Babies in the Most Wholesome Way

These Viral-Worthy Dogs React to Their Human Babies in the Most Wholesome Ways

That's their baby now.
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Kittens and Babies: Bringing You Cats Who Will Protect Their Human Babies at all Costs

Kittens and Babies: Bringing You Cats Who Will Protect Their Human Babies at all Costs

What better way is there to take a break from the chaos of the world right now than to dive deep into TikToks of cats who love their human babies?
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video of baby elephant tumbling down mudslide | thumbnail image of baby elephant on mudslide

Baby Elephant Takes An Adorable Tumble Down Mudslide (Video)

Pure joy in video form
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thread about choosing pets over parenting kids | thumbnail blue background  text " But the reason I realised I didn't want kids now is because, as the woman in the relationship, I picked up so much more of the care for the dog. All the training, getting up early for toilet trips, making sure his food was defrosted, every damn thing was down to me. I nearly lost a client due to lack of sleep/barking training/ having a hard time coping (I'm freelance). "

Redditors Discuss How Owning Dogs Influenced Their Decision To Not Have Kids

Thought provoking
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video of piglets on mexican beach enjoying themselves | thumbnail image of two piglets on beach

Litter Of Sweet Piglets Has A Party On Mexican Beach (Video)

Not only humans like to party!
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