
collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat sitting on a man in various positions 'Well it's been just over a year since we first got this sweet bundle of love and i figured it was time to post an update of our time together u/N1ght3ch'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (October 14, 2022)

video of Pallas cat kittens exploring the world | thumbnail includes a picture of two Pallas cat kittens getting out of a little wooden house

Brave Pallas' Cat Kittens Explore The World: Tiny, Adorable And Already Grumpy (Video)

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a ginger cat sleeping and a ginger kitten on a table being held by a veterinarian 'First vet visit, Tony was purring so loudly the vet had to cover his nose to hear his heart u/TinyTinaTeaparty'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sad looking cat and Wall-E 'My cat Wally looks like Wall-E u/ihaveacatnamedwally'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#203)

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny black kitten crouching and a kitten sitting on a giant looking armchair

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (October 8, 2022)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'My neighbours left town permanently and forgot their cat… I guess I own a cat now? They always said she had a pedigree but seeing as I hated them, can anyone give me any clues as to what breeds to look at? I want to read up on the breed to become a better owner… u/Snoo55791'

Adoption Stories and Rescues We Found Online

video of a kitten crying for help and getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten under a car and a kitten lying on a woman's chest

Helpless Kitten Was Hiding Under A Car And Calling Out For Help, Kind Humans Rush To Rescue Her (Video)

a collection of posts about black cats for spooktober | thumbnail includes three pictures including two of a kitten inside of a box and a black cat on a shelf 'My rescued void, Ozzy, who I rescued from an abusive shelter and was given to in a Taco Bell box u/Istherepizza'

Spooktober Is Finally Here, So Here Are The Best Black Cat Appreciation Collection Posts Of The Past Year

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten 'My foster kitten, Dolly, has farts that could wipe out a whole army. I’m thinking a change of diet is in order because hooooo boy. u/worstgurl'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including a close up of a lioness 'Took this photo at a zoo in England, I don't think I've ever seen softer eyes... u/curious_kitten_1' and a woman on a bed surrounded by cats and dogs 'My wife was a disney princess tonight. u/blazedanddefused'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#202)

video of a sick cat getting a piece of plastic removed from its stomach | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with many bandages and a cat headbutting a man

After 2 Years Of Bad Health, Vets Remove Something Unexpected From Cat's Stomach And He Starts Feeling Better (Video)

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes one picture of a white kitten with giant feet 'he is smol but his feets are huge u/livlaffloves'

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (October 1, 2022)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'So i found out gf is cheating on me, dumped her, and took a long walk in the cold night, this kitten ran up to me, and walked with me to my home, i took her inside and im keeping her. Meet Fate u/theworld455'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 30, 2022)

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats who bite their humans to show them love | thumbnail includes an image of a woman holding a guitar and singing with a cat next to her

Love Hurts: Cats Who Bite To Show Affection To Their Humans (Video)

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting next to a leaf 'Behold! The mighty hunter with her prey, the dried leaf. u/Reason_Training'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat leaning on a table with a bottle or glass of alcohol beside it 'During lockdown, my husband and I would pretend to go the pub, and sit at the breakfast bar with a drink. Our cat liked joining in! u/escape_button'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#201)