
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

lolcats zoomies pets purr askreddit animal facts cat owners feline silly Cats funny animals fun facts - 24121349

28 Quirky Facts About Cats That Only Feline Purrents Understand

Cat Enthusiasts Share 33 Sweet and Silly Lessons They Learned From Their Furrtastic Feline Friends

Cat Enthusiasts Share 33 Sweet and Silly Lessons They Learned From Their Furrtastic Feline Friends

floof askreddit felines funny cats cat parents kitty Cats funny living with cats parents - 22563589

30 Cat Purrents Reveal the Truth About Living with a Feline Companion

21 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - My cat won't stop pissing on my bed, why does he do that?', 'Cabinetry - bina', and 'Font - G U I L T Y'

U-R-ine Trouble: Wholesome And Hilarious Redditors Rally To Rescue First Time Cat Owner From Pee-Pee Problems On The Bed

9 Reddit text images of comments about conversing and talking back to meowing cats and one image of a white cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats with a white cat on the left and on the right a yelling gray and white cat with yellow eyes with bottom text "How do I teach my cat to stop screaming"

Exhausted Redditor Asks Why Their Cat is Screaming: Pure Feline-Themed Hilarity Ensues

28 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Hair - Next month, I'm moving abroad with my cat (15h flight). Some people said that it's animal abuse, that she'll suffer, and I should rehome her instead. Please tell me I'm doing the right thing!'

"But I've Heard It's Dangerous!": Tips And Tricks For Taking Your Cat On A Long Plane Ride

20 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - r/cats Posted by u/skeletonclock 3 days ago S This cat was handed into my shelter for eating the family hamster. Reckon she did it?' and 'Cat'

Criminal Kitty Returned To Shelter After "Allegedly" Eating The Family Hamster: Guilty Or Not Guilty? (Reddit Thread)

3 pictures of a white and gray kitten that may be pregnant, 7 Reddit comments from thread discussing if the cat is pregnant or not | thumbnail features text that say "Is this cat pregnant or she's just gaining weight? She used to be skinny just month ago" and behind the text are two images of the cat, the left image is the white and gray striped cat standing on dirt and the right image is the white and gray striped cat eating kibble off the ground

Is This Stray Cat Pregnant or Just Fat? A Wholesome Reddit Thread We All Could Learn From

a woman asks reddit what to do after her mom brings poisonous lilies to her house while she is away | thumbnail includes text saying 'My mom left me a gift that could've killed my cats'

Woman Threatens To Cut Mom off After She Brings A Dangerous Plant Home

a woman tries to adopt a cat against her husband's wishes | thumbnail includes text saying 'I have tried to discuss this with my husband and he has stated NO. We are not getting a cat. He doesn't want one and feels that his word goes'

Karen Wants To Adopt Cat Without Her Husband's Permission: Reddit Storytime

14 reddit text images askreddit | thumbnail blue background text "Fluffy_Carpenter1377 21 days ago A galapagos tortoise. Live a really long time on a nice little island sanctuary with warm year round temperatures, and a conservation crew there to make sure that I don't die if I do something stupid. It'd be nice just to see the people around me change get old die and a new set of people come in, I would literally be observing the passage of time for humans"

AskReddit: What Animal Would You Choose To Be Reincarnated As, List Of Most Unique Answers

a thread about a cat getting cosmetic surgery for a big belly/primordial pouch | thumbnail includes text saying 'How big should my cat's primordial pouch be? Should I get it removed for aesthetic purposes?'

Internet Destroys Man Who Wanted To Give His Cat Plastic Surgery

16 reddit text images | thumbnail light blue background "r/AskReddit u/AristonD • 118d 12 1 9 8 @7 10 1 If all animals were horse sized, which would be the most majestic to ride into battle? 4 29.2k 12.2k 1, Share Award, friskyfloaty · 118d 3 Awards Id say a skunk. Horse sized skunk. Armed and ready. Me riding into battle with a necklace of little tree air fresheners. Plus when they are threatened and stomp on the ground and stuff? Imagine that but in huge stinky scary size"

If All Animals Were Horse Sized, Which Would Be Best For Riding Into Battle (Ask Reddit)

reddit thread about the worst species of animals to adopt | thumbnail includes text saying 'hedgehogs. as a former hedgehog owner, even the most domesticated ones are just bullies. those cute snuggly hedgehogs on the internet are one of two instances: -they’re being starved to appear more docile -they actually had a good, caring breeder with ethical ways to raise and train the babies, and a good, caring owner that listens to the hedgehogs’ needs.'

Redditors Share The Worst Animals To Try And Adopt As Pets

a story about a woman dumping her boyfriend because he doesn't approve of her cat | thumbnail includes text saying

Woman Chooses Cat Over BF, Asks Internet For Advice

thumbnail of askreddit response "Dog 1 is trying to trick dog 2 into following her into the garden so that dog 1 can then storm back indoors to take dog 2's bone she is enjoying. Dog 3 is sitting in the on the couch quietly waiting for this to happen, to be the actual winner of this scheme."

Redditors Reveal The Most Recent Pet Drama Occuring In Their Household

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